Who Needs The Temple Mount? — Guest Post by Ianto Watt

Who Needs The Temple Mount? — Guest Post by Ianto Watt

Who needs that silly Temple Mount? For years, I’ve held that there were three things needed for the Evangelical Rapturists to get their death-wish. Death for you and me that is. Those three things are the acceptable sacrifice, the acceptable High Priest and last but certainly not least, the acceptable place of true worship. And, believe it or not, the Rapturists are on the cusp of achieving all this.

Yes, they’ve done everything in their power to get us to the point of no return, where the eventual occurrence of Armageddon appears, causing us to disappear, in a big mushroom cloud of hellfire. But not before the Rapturists get to use their get-out-of-jail-free card, of course. And just in time. They’ll have their seats ready in the big sky-box for the Main Event. They’ll even have time to go to the concession stand and load up with (all-beef) hot dogs and drinks, and have everything a good Muslim would want.

Do I equate Rapturists with Muslims? Well, yes, in a way. But for now, I’m just noticing the similarity of their respective views of the Temple Mount. Oh yeah, and Heaven too, by the way. The endless buffet and the big finale floor show. And no matter what they’ve done on earth, they get a free pass, because they have done the will of Allah. Which, of course, is to see to the destruction of all the kafirs. You know, the un-believers. Infidels. You and me. Well, me at least.

Why me? Because I don’t associate Allah with the God of Abraham, Isaac or Jacob. Or Jesus. Maybe you do, but that’s your problem. Sure, they’ll let you live, if you want to convert to Islam. Or at least, pay the jizyah tax for those weak-kneed ‘People of The Book‘. You know, Islam for Dhimmies. People who are willing to say Abraham blessed Ishmael instead of Isaac. But it ain’t me, babe.

It’s funny, isn’t it? You know how in Islam the end is marked by the return of Isa. Isa? You know, Jesus. Not Mohammed. Weird. You’d think Mohammed would get top billing, but no. It’s Jesus, right there in the Koran. You have read the Koran, right? No? Well, you’d better get busy, because there’s a test on this stuff. Islam 101. Pop quiz, coming up! Here’s one of the question: Who would be willing to die before yielding possession of the Temple Mount? That’s right, every devout Muslim. You’d literally have to kill them all, it seems. And who’s willing to help them die? The Rapturists, of course.

The Rapturists are making headway on this idea of the slaughter of Islam. George II was brilliant, you know. Just pull out the control rod (Saddam Hussein) and watch the old reactor melt down. Sunni vs Shiite vs Kurd. Anyone who paid attention to post-Tito Yugoslavia understood the lesson to be learned. George learned it. And applied it. In order to get to the top of the Temple Mount.

Don’t believe me?

You do know where George goes to Church, right? He goes to that Big Box church in San Antonio. Pastored by John Hagee. The same guy that re-bred The Red Heifer. What am I talking about? Hell, actually. Or at least a version of it. The Rapturist Armageddon version. Hell for thee, but not for me. Plenty of Americans are rapturists. And plenty of them are positioned to bring us to the brink. Highly positioned. It wasn’t just George. No, it’s all his buddies who still staff a lot of the Imperial war machinery.

Have you noticed the interesting nexus of power in Colorado Springs? You know, the center of American Evangelical/Pentecostal organizations, like Focus on the Family. It’s also the center of our Imperial military control (Fort Carson and the big man-cave under Cheyenne Mountain). The only place with three Air Force bases, and where all American dark-ops are centered. Even the Coast Guard intercepts are directed from there.

So what? I’ll tell you so what: there’s a large number of American top-brass that are true believers in Evangelical/Pentecostal reverence to the modernist concept of the supposed Judeo-Christian tradition. As expressed in the dispensationalist concept of The Rapture.

Yes, a number of these Generals have been ‘retired’ for their views. But there’s a lot of Colonels left that hold these same beliefs. I know a number of them. And Colonels are where the coups come from. Not that we’re there yet, but my minor point here is about the nexus of power and faith that exists in Colorado Springs. That same power and faith can affect all of us, whether we believe like them or not. Why? Because the only true Judeo-Christian tradition is the persecution of the Church at the hands of Caesar, as advised by his Jewish lenders (and wives). Neither of these two camps is very friendly to the Original Church.

I know what you’re thinking. Who says the Catholic Church is the same as the original Church? Well, let’s ask Alexa. Ask her who the founder of Methodism is. Ask who founded the Lutheran Church. Guess who she’ll say. Go through the whole list, from Anglican to Islam to Mormonism to Jehovah’s Witnesses, and she’ll tell you. She’ll name the man. The modern man. Then ask her who founded the Catholic Church. See what name she speaks.

Perhaps you think I’m being unkind and that I’m all over the map, with nothing particular in mind. But you’re wrong. Sure, I’m all over the place, but that’s only because I’m following the tracks. Tracks laid down all across the globe, but with specific purpose. These guys aren’t idiots, you know. Neither Muslims nor Rapturists (nor the Jews) are stupid. They’re just insane. There’s a very big difference. Very big.

Let’s look at what they all want, and then you tell me if they aren’t on a collision course that will involve all of us, whether we want it or not.

Let’s start with my first statement. Who needs the Temple Mount? Here’s where the trail leads. Those three things I mentioned above, when achieved, would constitute the necessary ingredients to re-establish Israel as a theocratic kingdom. That Kingdom would mark the end of that Rapturist concept known as Plan B (Original Christianity), by re-instating the Temple sacrifice of the Jewish nation. Sound crazy? Emperor Julian the Apostate thought well enough of the idea that he tried it once. It’s not a new idea.

This new Temple, of course, would also mark the end of the secular Israeli nation. The long and the short of it is this: all ‘real’ Christians (as Rapturists see themselves) will, functionally speaking, become Jews. Which, of course, is the opposite of what the Original Christians thought. And which explains why George (and his Imperial descendants) wouldn’t spend a nickel guarding the churches of the Chaldean and Assyrian Catholic Churches in Iraq. Yes, the oldest continuous Christian communities on earth, dating to the time of the Apostles. Now they’re gone. See any tears in Washington? Any in Colorado Springs?

How do I know Rapturism is the opposite of Original Christianity? Because all the original Christians were Jews. They weren’t trying to proselytize for Judaism. They left it! And they left behind a few Cliff Notes too, if you didn’t know it. Like the Gospel of John. I don’t know anyone who could characterize John the Apostle as wanting to remain Jewish. How Rapturists can read that gospel and still believe in the supposedly friendly ‘Judeo-Christian tradition’ is beyond me. Don’t blame me, I didn’t write that stuff.

Rapturists do believe (whether they know it or not) that God the Father was an idiot and that He wouldn’t foresee that the Jews would reject His Son. And that The Father then had to substitute the Church (Plan B) for Israel for a time while He figured out how to persuade the Jews to accept His Son. From the Evangelical perspective, the solution to God the Father’s dilemma is to get His Son to accept His own Judaism. Oy! Forget Jews for Jesus. It’s really Jesus for Jews! Which is why the State of Israel pays for all those free summertime trips to the Holy Land for young evangelicals. It’s quite effective, believe me.

Back to the hunt. In order to re-establish theocratic Israel, you need three things. We already have two of them. First, Pastor Hagee and his Texas billionaire buddies have succeeded in re-breeding The Red Heifer. The only acceptable sacrifice before Yahweh, in His Temple on Mt. Sion. No, the cow isn’t really red. It’s that rust-colored heifer that we all see as we drive throughout flyover country. All red. Which is to say, having not more than one black hair. See how useful all those Texas cattlemen are?

The second thing needed to re-establish theocratic Israel is an authentic High Priest. Since the census rolls were lost when the Temple burned in 70 AD, we can’t know for certain who’s a Levite and who’s not. Because, after all, only a Levite can be a priest. But we do have a clue: we can probably bet whoever gets picked will be named Kohan. Or Kohen. Or Cohen. It sure won’t be Korah. On second thought, maybe it will. In any event, Kohen is a safe bet. A direct descendant of Aaron, the brother of Moses and the first High Priest. The guy who built the Golden Calf. That’s what happens when you leave older brothers in charge, Moses.

Which Kohen to pick? No problemo, Señor. We’ll just ask the Sanhedrin which Kohen is kosher. But wait: wasn’t the Sanhedrin, the priestly council that ruled Israel, destroyed in 70 AD as well? Well, yes. But in 2004 it was re-established, although there is much controversy about its legitimacy. Which is par for the course on any subject in today’s Israel. Check it out: here’s Rabbi Baruch Kahane, the new Kohen Gadol (High Priest) of Israel. He’s ready to re-institute the Temple sacrifice on one week’s notice. Assuming, of course, that the way is clear to the Temple Mount.

Which brings us to the real point. If you want a theocratic Israel (and every Orthodox Jew and Evangelical Rapturist does), you gotta have The Temple Mount to make this thing work. Red heifer? Got it. High priest? Done. Temple mount? Sorry, schmuck, it’s still occupied. By those guys over there, who are busy reading their Daily Quran. They aren’t quite ready to leave. At least, not without a fight. That, of course, was the whole point of George’s Gulf Wars. Let’s get these crazy Muslims to kill one another, and then the way will be clear to ascend the Temple Mount and set up a new Tabernacle Tent while the Third Temple Construction Company gets to work on the final version of Mosaic worship. As directed by Talmudic Productions, Inc. Which is to say, get lost, Moses. We’re fine with Aaron. Got any gold you’d like to sell?

The best part of this crazy plan is how secular Jerusalem got stupid Uncle Sam to be the guy that wandered into the reactor room to pull the control rods out of the core. Nice bit of work there, buddy! Nice tan you got there! Oh wait, maybe that’s radiation burns. But, hey, no problem, right? After all, it was suffered in the name of the Judeo-Christian tradition, right? I’m sure you’ll be rewarded, big-time. Chump.

There was always a problem with the plan. The problem with this Hollywood production isn’t with the script, which is working out just fine. The problem in Hollywood, as always, is in the big-name actors. Specifically, their impatience. They just can’t wait out those decades that will be needed for all those Muslims to kill one another. Maybe we should have let the Iranians have the bomb, eh Sollie? Maybe we should just sell them some, instead of waiting for them to figure out the recipe on their own?

Anyway, the wait is killing these Sabras. Such a crime it was that Ariel Sharon never got to see Eretz Israel, and the final Temple! Oy vey, can’t we hurry this thing up? Can’t we just nuke all the Muslims and be done with them? Actually, no, Bubby. Because there are some folks who might nuke you back. Starting with Pakistan, and its Islamic Bomb. No need to worry, we think we have a solution!

What solution is that? The whole point of this ‘Judeo-Christian’ Plan-B-sponsored Islam-on-Islam civil war is to get unhindered access to the Temple Mount, correct? If that’s all you want, the answer is so simple. Move the goal posts.

That’s exactly what will happen. Just because the Dome of The Rock is atop the Western (Wailing) Wall doesn’t mean that is where the ancient sacrifice was performed. It simply means that The Rock was moved. Which it was, as everyone agrees. From where? From the original site, of course. Six hundred feet, more or less, from the actual location of the First (and Second) Temple.

That’s what I’m saying. The Wailing Wall and the Temple Mount above it are not the site of the Jewish Temples of Solomon and Herod. It’s actually the site of the Roman Legion’s base of operations in Jerusalem at the time of Christ. The current ‘temple mount’ is an approximately forty acre site once properly known as the Antonia Fortress, where the Imperial Roman Tenth Legion was stationed. The land area known today as the Temple Mount is the same size as most other Roman fortresses throughout the Empire. You can’t fit 6,000-plus men into some silly little tower that today’s ‘scholars’ tell they did. You need those forty acres. All of it.

This fortress, Josephus the Jewish eyewitness told us, was connected to the real Jewish Temple Mount by two 600 ft. sky-bridges that allowed the Romans to pour their 6,000 men into the Temple precinct at a moment’s notice, whenever the Jews got feisty. Which was quite often. Which was Pilate’s worst headache. Ask Jesus, he can tell you. And Josephus too.

Don’t believe me? Check it out, here and here and here. There’s lots more if you want.

The point is so simple, and so sweet. The Muslims got the departure point wrong. If Mohammed did actually ascend into Heaven on that cool steed, he didn’t do it from the spot atop the Western Wall. Or else he’s a fraud. Or both. Now everything gets simpler.

If the actual site of Solomon and Herod’s Temples was 600 ft. to the south of the spot everyone currently calls the Temple Mount, then we don’t need to clear out the Dome of the Rock or the El Aqsa Mosque to rebuild the Third Temple. Right? And we don’t need to wait another forty years for this Muslim Civil War to effectively kill off all the Muslims. Correct? And we don’t need to worry about Pakistan and her Islamic Bomb? Or Iran? Yep.

Let the Muslims keep that stupid Roman fort. The fort that is always shown as some little adjunct tower to the traditional renderings of the Temple that somehow housed the 6,000 men of the Tenth Legion (which, with support personnel, totaled almost 10,000 men). Check that red circle in the picture at the beginning of this article. You can’t fit 10,000 men into that thing. I love modern ‘scholarship‘, don’t you?

Now, all of the sudden, the Orthodox Jews may not need all those pesky American Plan-B Evangelicals to clear the Muslims (who are Plan-B Jews, if you really study the Koran) from that faux Temple Mount after all. All they may really need to re-establish theocratic Israel is a real smart real-estate guy. Somebody with deep pockets that can quietly buy up the ground south of the currently-supposed Temple Mount. Down there in what used to be called The City of David. What irony. Why wouldn’t Solomon have built the Temple in his father’s fortress? Right where Fr. Meagher would have told us it would be.

Who might that real-estate mogul be that is needed to speed up this process of re-establishing the animal sacrifice of the Jews, without exterminating all the Muslims? At least, not the Saudi’s? Somebody who knows his way around Jerusalem, for sure. Maybe somebody with a Jewish son-in-law? Maybe. Certainly, somebody who knows how to make a deal, don’t you think? And the chutzpah to do it. Just think, what if it led to a Middle East peace plan that satisfied Muslims and Jews alike? Wouldn’t that be a real interesting lead-in to the 2020 elections?

Who would be left out of this happy thought? The Rapturists, I’m afraid. Too bad. After all, what is the one thing Original Christians and Jews could agree on, if not that Jerusalem (and perhaps the rest of the world) needn’t be toasted by a premature Armageddon? Sure, it’s gonna come, sometime. But we don’t need to attempt to force His hand. He’ll do it when He’s good and ready. Not a moment before. Not a moment after. Let’s leave it to Him, eh? And, in the meantime, maybe we could have a little peace in the Mid-East. Such a nice thought! That is a real Judeo-Christian tradition I could live with. How about you?


  1. Bryant Poythress

    From the link: “This light is Torah, the light of Torah which comes from Zion, which reveals the hidden aspects of God.”

    Matthew tells us (Matthew 4:12-17), that the light Isaiah was pointing to is Jesus. Our efforts and prayers should always be that they see the true Light “that all might believe through him” John 1:7

  2. “The source is not always reliable”

    I couldn’t help but chuckle, remembering Briggs’ frequent, credulous retweeting of Kremlin fake news, before he deleted his Twitter account and started over.

  3. Ken

    WATT NOTES: “If you want a theocratic Israel (and every Orthodox Jew and Evangelical Rapturist does), you gotta have The Temple Mount to make this thing work. Red heifer? Got it. High priest? Done.” […but no Temple Mount…]


    The Supreme Deity that made the whole universe out of nothing … to purify His Chosen People … needs a red cow (of which He’s capable of making in infinite supply) at a particular rock.

    A red cow by a particular rock for the Supreme Deity … like the milk and cookies by the decorated tree for Santa Claus.

    The purported goal is moral purity, but the requirement mandates key moral leaders focus considerable effort on breeding livestock with good hair! (see: https://dilbert.com/strip/1992-08-27)

    Most people playfully believe [i.e., not really believe] four-leaf-clover brings good luck.
    But a population truly believes a red cow with good hair will save the world.


    One thing history informs is that when the livestock-with-perfect-red-hair doesn’t change anything the rationalizations will be immediate and fully accepted … and … for the failure the belief will be even stronger.

  4. John Watkins

    Well, I could have predicted both Ken and Lee’s responses, but that wouldn’t qualify anyone as a genius. As usual, they miss the blindingly obvious point of Judaism (and it’s relationship to Christianity, which rightfully superseded it). So let me explain to you two what everyone else already knows; God allowed the Jews to act like everyone else in the pagan world, for the point of showing them how stupid that would be.

    You want a human king? Here, take Saul. You want malleable doctrine and practice? Here, have Aaron and his gold cow for a High Priest. You want to worship Me with sacrifice? Sure, offer me a cow. Or a sheep. Or whatever.

    And when, after hundreds of years of the futility of these kinds of things (which mirrored pagan life), God offers His Son as a King and as an acceptable sacrifice to Himself. A sacrifice that wouldn’t be called off at the last minute (like Isaac), nor a King who would go insane with idols (Ahab), women (Solomon) or taxes (Rehoboam). Nope. And this is why so much of the world (beginning with the Jews) saw the beauty of this pure expression of true Divinity. And the fruit of it (science, charity, education, and most importantly, mercy and true worship) is evident everyday, to anyone with eyes. Which, sadly, does not include Lee and Ken. Or Mohammed, by the way.

    Don’t bother blathering about the evils committed by errant members of the Church, guys. We all know they happened. And we all know their acts were done in spite of, and not because of, the actual purpose and intent, of God and his Holy Church. Not that you care. But go ahead, go for it. We know you will!

  5. Faith

    John Watkins, if I had any sense I would bypass those two paragons of idiotic pride. Thank you for the pithy demolition so deftly done. Sadly your conclusions will prove to be right as they haven’t the sense to know they have been cut off at the knees.

    Ianto Watt, thank you once again for cutting down the forest.

  6. Peter Aiello

    The Catholic Church also believes in the rapture; but the Church is amillennial in the sense that it does not occur before a millennium, but at the end of the world. John does speak of the millennium in the book of Revelation (20:4-5). I don’t know how you explain it away.
    If there is a millennium, Christ will rule from Jerusalem instead of Vatican City. He will be the unelected Pope. Maybe this is why the Church prefers that there is no millennium. As of now, relations between the pope and Israel are not very cordial. If they don’t improve with the future Jerusalem Pope, it could get ugly.
    All real Christians are already Jews (Romans 2:28-29). They will not have to become Jews when they return to the world with Christ after they have been raptured.
    Christ will ultimately determine what the theocracy will look like. The theocracy will not be the Judaism or Christianity of today. Regardless of what Israel is today, and as messy as it looks right now, this is just the beginning. It has to start someway. No one said it would be perfect.

  7. valis

    ” Just think, what if it led to a Middle East peace plan that satisfied Muslims and Jews alike? Wouldn’t that be a real interesting lead-in to the 2020 elections? ”

    I think I’ll be taking this Ianto fella quite a bit more seriously from now on.

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