Sneak Peek of Book Cover

Here, by the guy who does Wayward Robot, is the front cover for the book (which should—with hope—be out of my hands by the end of this week).

Book Cover


  1. Larry Sheldon

    Where do we pre-order?

  2. Bernie

    Are you related to John Briggs? What are the chances of that?!!

  3. John Andrews

    Wonderful comic. Didn’t know you did it til now. What comes next? I didn’t know statisticians were funny. My son certainly is not, and neither am I.


  4. John Andrews

    Oops. William/John…

  5. Statisticians are very funny. The problem is nobody gets their jokes. But they amuse themselves.

  6. And sometimes their kids get infected with the same sense of humor. It’s insidious.

  7. Briggs


    Sometimes we don’t even make ourselves laugh.

  8. Joy

    Mr William M. Briggs (44)

    I should like to buy a copy and I look forward to seeing you on Oprah Winfrey.
    Have you considered approaching documentary makers? I’ve never seen them cover statistics specifically and yet we are subjected to them all the time. It’s in the public’s interest to understand them a little better.
    It would be topical so programme makers might be interested right now as never before.

  9. Briggs

    Oh, sure. I expect the media to come knocking on my door at any moment.!

  10. Joy

    I was being deadly serious although not about Oprah. They wouldn’t need much persuasion.
    I can see it happening, you might want to start with a smaller company like a Canadian, Ausie or British documentary maker. You’d have a sympathetic ear with Martin Durkin, Lord lawson of Blaby and my friend Lord Moncton of Brenchley. Even Jeremy Clarkson (who loves Americans really) might have some useful contacts! This idea, might be very amusing to the shy statistician but consider it like a coming out party for the profession!
    Mark my words, someone will do it, it may as well be you.

  11. Briggs


    I met Lord Monckton at the Heritage Climate Conference back in March (or April?). Smart guy. Passionate.

    Anybody who knows me would never use the term “shy” to describe me, so bring on the cameras!

    Matt (44.0493)

  12. JH

    Hey Briggs, an autographed copy for me? Autographed by Wayward Robot and the author of the book. I am willing to pay more.

    Neat book cover.

  13. Bernie

    How come you didn’t reply to my question about your relationship with John Briggs? Are you trying to pull an Obama?

  14. Briggs


    You know I don’t allow bad language on this blog.

    Yes, Wayward Robot is drawn by my number 2 son. He’s 20, in school for computer science.

  15. Bernie

    Excellent. Congratulations. The strip is clever and pretty funny.
    My profound apologies for the bad language.

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