The Week In Doom: If You Like Your Religion, You Can Keep Your Religion


Law Of The Land!

AP: A city clerk in Nuremberg yesterday issued a marriage certificate to a Jew and a German, violating the country’s new laws forbidding such unions. Fritz Steinhoffermansteinwurtzmanberger, 33 and himself German, is the clerk in the Nuremberg Marriage Bureau. He issued a marriage license to Sarah Kleinaaronskahnsmann, 24 and a Jew, and Klaus Ackermannmelsbachmetger, 26 and German. Herr Steinhoffermansteinwurtzmanberger said, “They wanted to marry. The government has no say in who can marry whom. Our only duty is to register marriages for statistical purposes. It is my Christian duty to give them a license.”

This was not the view taken by the city, where mayor Brinkerhoffmannsteinmetzdahl said, “The Nuremberg laws are the laws of the land. The Reichstag has spoken. I repeat, forbidding these unions is the law of the land. And we must uphold the law.”

Mayor Brinkerhoffmannsteinmetzdahl said Herr Steinhoffermansteinwurtzmanberger, who was forced to resign, and Fraulein Kleinaaronskahnsmann would be taken to a government educational facility for “sensitivity training.”

The Ceaseless Gift That Is Anthony Kennedy

We need to devise a new term for the firings, jailings, forced cake bakings, houndings (like what happened to Brandon Eich) and the like caused when a Christian fail to submit to the false idea that same-sex acts are morally good.

Kennedys? Named for Anthony “You Are What You Believe You Are, And Everybody Else Will Be Forced By Law To Believe With You” Kennedy, the anything-but-aberration on the Supreme Court. Kennedy is the inspiration for today’s sub-heading. He said Christians would be allowed to think whatever they wanted, as long as they didn’t bother anybody else. If You Like Your Religion, You Can Keep Your Religion

Kennedy Acts? Kennedy Firings? Kennedyisms? I’m open for ideas. Put yours below.

Kennedy Acts

As I wrote yesterday, making a point that was (almost) entirely missed, the concern was not just over one poor clerk in Kentucky, but of what happens to Western society as a whole as Kennedy Acts become routine:

What’s next? If a Christian public school teacher doesn’t want to teach the “benefits” of anal sex, she should resign. If a Christian state college professor doesn’t want to add a lecture on “diversity” in his course on particle physics, he should resign. If a Christian judge doesn’t want to perform a civil gmarriage, he should resign. If the Christian nurse doesn’t want to inject the “patient” with the euthanizing drug, she should resign. If the Christian day care doesn’t want to accommodate a boy who is pretending to be a girl, they should resign their business.

No Christians left in public life. What a paradise, think some. Wait. The word “think” is entirely inappropriate in that sentence. The Tolerant are not known for their thinking. They react. They feel. They prattle on about “rights.” How depressing.

If I may be allowed to paraphrase Mencken: A Christian-less society is the theory that the Tolerant know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard. If you Tolerant think what you’re doing to Christians now is great fun, just wait until you see what you’ll do to yourselves when we’re gone.

Kill Kill Kill

Here’s an example of the kind of Paradise the Tolerant envision: Quebec Government Sends “Euthanasia Kits” to Doctors to Kill Their Patients:

Quebec legalized euthanasia last year, euphemistically called “aid in dying,” which is NOT restricted to the terminally ill (why would it be?), with mandated complicity that no Quebec MD can avoid due to the referral requirement.

The state—which pays to kill its citizens—has now handed out “standard euthanasia kits” to all of the province’s doctors…

Doctors don’t kill. Executioners do. Renew!

We Are The Climate Change

Paul McCartney, Jon Bon Jovi, Fergie, and other stars unite for charity tune Love Song to the Earth to support UN Climate Change Conference.

Nicole Scherzinger, Natasha Bedingfield, Angelique Kidjo, Kelsea Ballerini and Victoria Justice also appear on the track.

In a statement, Bedingfield said: ‘Many people turn a blind eye arguing that everything is ok environmentally.

‘The song reminds us that having ownership of our world means taking care of it.

‘With this song we wanted to talk about the environment in a way that would help people feel empowered to do something rather than be paralyzed by fear.’

Paralyzed by fear? And now the entirely appropriate original Mencken quote: Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard.

I can’t play the song, because you have to give sixty-nine cents to Apple Corporation for the “right” to listen to it. This is probably for the best. I’m guessing sticking one’s head into a blender and hitting frappé would produce more pleasing sounds.

Update 1 Christians in Syrian Town Where Priest Was Kidnapped Now Paying Jizya.

Update 2 Oregon judge now under investigation for not performing same sex weddings.

Update 3 Science should be more gay.

Update 4 (Bad statistics). SAT Scores Hit Four-Decade Low. First “Graduating high school students; SAT college admission scores fell again this year–to the lowest level in four decades. Rapidly growing expenditure on education seems to be producing poor test results.”

Explanation? Too easy: “A record 1.7 million graduating seniors took the SAT test last year.” Figure it out.

Update 5 Gender-Neutral Parenting: Letting Kids Choose: It’s time to scrap ‘boy colors’ and ‘girl toys,’ many parents agree.

Update 6 The rule rejects the “you don’t like the job requirements, so quit the job” argument.


  1. Gary in Erko

    “Sarah Kleinaaronskahnsmann, 24 and a Jew, and Klaus Ackermannmelsbachmetger, 26 and German”
    Statistically there have been far more marriages where the woman is younger than the man. For the remainder of this year Germany will bann marriages with this imbalance in order to regain a semblance of agism equality.

  2. Jim Fedako


    Help me understand your ethic in regard to this.

    I am a Genesis-believing Christian, in that I believe Genesis is factual, not symbolic, poetic, etc. If I were a biology teacher, would you support my “right” to not teach evolution, but teach seven-day creationism instead?

    From your previous posts, I assume your answer is, “No.” I may be wrong, but I believe I am right.

    That means your would have stood with Mencken as he disparaged my brothers in Christ — I could claim that his views are no small part in this current mess. Yet you now take the opposite view.

    As I said before, if your ethics are situational, you hold similar views as the left.

    You also well know that there has never existed any such thing as the right to conscious that exempts a government official from their voluntarily agreed-to duties, contracts, and pledges (other than in the military).

    The solution is less government — a less obtrusive state.

  3. Gary

    Coming very close to validating Godwin’s Law here.

    We don’t need a new term when the word persecution works just fine.

    “If you Tolerant think what you’re doing to Christians now is great fun, just wait until you see what you’ll do to yourselves when we’re gone.” They will only get seven years for this, according to some theories.

  4. Briggs, you do understand that no one is forcing anyone to be a county clerk, right?


  5. I like Kennedyisms.
    Doctors didn’t kill–they do now.
    Hollywood celebrities are spoiled, guilt-ridden people who would have had a concert for Hitler if it soothed their guilt and got them publicity.

    Jim: The correct question is “If I were hired as a teacher and creationism was being taught, then the thought nazis decided it could not be done, would you support my right to continue teaching as per the original agreement I had with the school?” What you are saying is that Christians cannot be teachers unless they agree to teach that which they believe are lies or incorrect theories (What if the state mandated home-schooled children be taught about anal sex and free sex and handed condoms at age 8? Do you resign as a parent? There’s nothing stopping the state from doing this—they already think of homeschoolers as unpaid employees.) Agreed, however, that less government is the answer.

    Note: I realized today why I am ending any conversation on these matters. The smoking nazi in Casper is back trying to end all smoking in Casper. Last time she did this, she nearly bankrupted businesses. It was revoked due to improper signatures on the ballot. Now, in her 10 year quest to remove a businesses right to operate as they like, she’s back trying to rob business owners and get her way. This woman cares about no one but herself.

    The reason progressives don’t believe in God is because they believe they ARE god. They know what’s right and wrong, how to use people to their benefit and create a world their hearts and desires, stomping on everyone else on the way. They are, in fact, worse than any religion. A true religion does lie about motives. Yet progressives, in their evil quest to become gods, lie constantly about caring and tolerance (tolerance=beating people up till you get your way, and then attempting to justify this because religion was wrong when it did so it’s progressives turn to being bullies and it’s not wrong now because it’s only wrong when non-gods do it. These are evil people, irrational, who, like Stalin, Hitler, Mao and all good dictators, want to beat a population into submission. They care NOTHING about anyone but themselves in spite of the lies about caring. See how much good they did for blacks? Slums, abortions, riots all say “We love you”. Everyone knows that. There is nothing that can be said to stop a person who worships at the alter of their own godhood.

  6. Gary in Erko

    I don’t understand why anyone is trying to find rational threads in this. There are none. Just hang on tight to what’s right. The rest has been demounted from its foundations and let loose as a sick joke of itself.

  7. The Observer

    No one’s forcing you to bake a cake.
    No one’s forcing you to start a business.
    No one’s forcing you to be a TV personality.
    No one’s forcing you to live in this country.
    No one’s forcing you to practice your religion.
    No one’s forcing you to make a living.
    No one’s forcing you to live.
    No one’s forcing you to accept our show trials and victory parade, enemy of God – I mean, Progress. Thy Original Sin – oops, Privilege is showing. The coming of the Kingdom of God – wait, I meant to say the equalitarian utopia is inevitable, as foretold in the Book of Revelations – no, wait, we are on the Right Side of History.

    Perfectly congruent with the last two steps of Vox Day’s 8-step SJW attack pattern checklist: what you are seeing right now, Sheri, are the show trials and victory parades of the sodomites, similar to what happened in late 1920s and early 1930s Wiemar Germany. They believe themselves invincible now, their victory guaranteed, so they’re tipping their hand.

    Anyone who knows about the grindr and bathouse lifestyles will know that once antibiotics fail completely, they will return to being the even more virulent vectors of filth and disease they once were.

    “I don’t understand why anyone is trying to find rational threads in this. There are none.”

    Exactly. As the decline accelerates, more and more irrationality will ensue. Anyone who has read about the fall of empires, from Rome to the 10-12th century Arab world to China’s Yuan Dynasty will know of the signs, amongst them an increasingly debased currency, mass immigration, pathological altruism, welfare handouts, sexual immorality leading to failure to reproduce, the prevalence of athletes and entertainers as heroes instead of statesman, mothers and generals, so on and so forth.

  8. Jim Fedako


    As a former school board member, I can tell you that I have never — as in never — seen a contract that states the teacher only agrees to teach the curriculum approved on the day the contract was signed. To claim otherwise — as you just did — is pure nonsense. And you know it is.

  9. CuiPertinebit

    Seeing the arguments about rights, here and in the previous post on the topic of Western de-Christianization, I can only ask:

    Is it not clear, Catholics, that the Church’s Magisterium and Tradition – and the only position consistent with strict Reason – has taught us truly? People only have the *right* to think, say and do what is right. Not only do they have the right, they have the duty so to do. The state can tolerate imperfection within limits and in order to serve the greater good. But you cannot accord error the pretext of right. Error is not right, and it has no rights. The entire irrational mess of the West, is rooted in the irrational attempt to invest error with rights.

  10. Sylvain


    Can you reconcile what you wrote with these verses?

    “1 Peter 2:13-17

    Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good. For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people. Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God. Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.”

    “Mark 12:13-17 ESV / 7

    And they sent to him some of the Pharisees and some of the Herodians, to trap him in his talk. And they came and said to him, “Teacher, we know that you are true and do not care about anyone’s opinion. For you are not swayed by appearances, but truly teach the way of God. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar, or not? Should we pay them, or should we not?” But, knowing their hypocrisy, he said to them, “Why put me to the test? Bring me a denarius and let me look at it.” And they brought one. And he said to them, “Whose likeness and inscription is this?” They said to him, “Caesar’s.” Jesus said to them, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” And they marveled at him.”

    It seems to me that many so called American Christian are as much Christian than the terrorist group ISIS. The problem with people like that is that they are not afraid to kill those that disagree with their views.

  11. Ye Olde Statistician


    Your enemies have created a typo in this name.

  12. Sylvain

    Here are the condition to be met for euthanasia:

    “(1) be of full age, be capable of giving consent to care and be an insured person within the meaning of the Health Insurance Act (chapter A-29);
    (2) suffer from an incurable serious illness;
    (3) suffer from an advanced state of irreversible decline in capability; and
    (4) suffer from constant and unbearable physical or psychological pain which cannot be relieved in a manner the person deems tolerable.”

    So here is the kind of inhumanity the intolerant right demonstrate:

    1) Black man must be killed any reason is good selling individual cigarette or stealing cigars are reason enough.

    2) poor people should not have access to healthcare (you must make sure they die the most horrible death an for insignificant reason)

    3) The women’s body should belong to the state who should control it and force them to bring to term unwanted pregnancies. Individual freedom doesn’t apply to women.

    4) People suffering should be made to suffer the longest time possible without any regard of their own personal desire. Individual freedom doesn’t apply to dying people and their wishes should not be respected because someone will be sad.

    5) unwanted children should forced to live with parents that did not want them in the first place.

    Quite a paradise (sarcasm)

  13. Jim Fedako


    You are quit disturbed. No sarcasm.

  14. Jim Fedako


    You are quite disturbed. No sarcasm.

  15. Sylvain

    Jim go fffff Briggs

  16. Sylvain

    America is really lucky that the readers of this blog are only a lunatic fringe. If not the Isis caliphate would look like a paradise

  17. Ye Olde Statistician

    America is really lucky that the readers of this blog are only a lunatic fringe. If not the Isis caliphate would look like a paradise

    Sylvain, take a deep breath.

  18. Bryant Poythress

    Re:Can you reconcile…

    I agree that we are commanded directly in 1 Peter 2:13 (‘you submit’ – ???????? verb, aorist, passive, IMPERATIVE, 2p plural) and in Mark 12:13 (‘you render’ – ????????? verb, aorist, active, IMPERATIVE, 2p plural). In both of these specific passages there is a hierarchical context wherein God is clearly the higher authority. We are to always ‘submit’ or ‘render’ within the sphere of any institution’s legitimate authority, i.e., where it does not conflict with God’s commands.

    In the case of the Christian woman in Tennessee, the command she was issued by the state might be paraphrased as, ‘if all legal criterion are met, you must sign the form approving the legal agreement between the two parties’. While this may not directly contradict a command given by God, that is not the issue here.

    Rather, the issue here is her objection that the state has overreached its authority in condoning or perhaps titling the agreement between two people of the same sex a ‘marriage’ and that her official act would be (as Mr. Briggs wrote previously) ‘participating in an evil’. This, right or wrong, is her deeply held religious conviction.

    There are numerous options that a Christian could take, even the one pointed out by so orthodox a believer as JMJ which would, strictly speaking, keep her from violating her conscience. However, since she is the citizen of a country where there are exceptions given for deeply held religious beliefs, it does not seem that she is specifically disobedient either to God nor to her country in applying for or even demanding a legal exemption, regardless of her manner of doing so.

  19. Sylvain

    Bryant Poythress,

    I find that you have a strage reading of the verses.

    “Be subject for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether it be to the emperor as supreme, or to governors as sent by him to punish those who do evil and to praise those who do good.”

    The first part doesn’t really gives a choice as too which intitution you should honor. There was hardly bigger evil in the first century AD than the Roman Empire yet Peter ask Christian to be subject of those intitutions.

    “For this is the will of God, that by doing good you should put to silence the ignorance of foolish people”

    For Peter you have to do this for God (not resist but submit). By not resiting you put people to silence, by resisting you get sent to jail and people call you for what you are, a bigot. In resisting your are not serving the will of God. You do not follow your belief.

    “Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God.”

    Living free means that you have to realize that these means nothing to God. God doesn’t care if 2 man get married or not. He will deal with them when times comes. For now in resisting human institution Kim Davis is commiting an evil much greater than by signing a stupid governmental license that means nothing.

    “Honor everyone. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the emperor.”

    Kim Davis didn’t really honor anyone but herself. She couldhave momentarilly step down letting someone else filled the license.

    “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”

    This simply means that money doesn’t mean nothing in the realm of gods. So who cares who has it.

  20. “There was hardly bigger evil in the first century AD than the Roman Empire”



  21. Sylvain


    Do you really that the Roman Empire were the good guy?????

  22. andy

    As ” a Genesis-believing Christian” Jim, i’d say you are the disturbed one. Definitely no sarcasm.

  23. DAV

    America is really lucky that the readers of this blog are only a lunatic fringe.

    You, of course, are not a reader.

  24. Gary in Erko

    “America is really lucky that the readers of this blog are only a lunatic fringe.”
    As an Australian, I object to being left out. I think there’s a few Canadians here too.

  25. Jim Fedako


    Do not forget that everyone — and I do mean everyone — subscribes to a system of cosmology and eschatology. Note that “everyone” includes atheists a well. And everyone’s system is a religion. I think you know where I am going …

  26. Jim Fedako


    Isn’t it ironic how quickly those, such as yourself, on the socialist, atheist left resort to the very statements they claim to abhor.

    Your took down your whole ideology in one cryptic reply.


  27. Jim Fedako

    *you … not your

  28. I find that when comments are irrational, not founded on logic (even if one might disagree with the premises), and invoke name-calling, that it’s best just to let them pass by. The one who makes such comments can’t be educated, and most people who read such can see through them.

  29. swordfishtrombone

    @Sylvain: [JMJ, Do you really think Romans were the good guys?]

    “All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?”

    Reg, Life of Brian.

  30. Ye Olde Statistician

    “All right, but apart from the sanitation, medicine, education, wine, public order, irrigation, roads, the fresh water system and public health, what have the Romans ever done for us?”

    And they made the trains run on time. Oh, wait.

  31. Bryant Poythress

    @swordfishtrombone: …what have the Romans ever done for us?”

    x 100


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