Podcast Radio Show #5: Independence Day!


On Today’s Show:

Only 5 minutes!

A brief show today, containing one Earth-shattering announcement…

Big changes

…As of December 1st, you, my faithful audience members, will be my official bosses!

I am one of the few who honestly admit to not being a people person, and it was thought best by my overseers that I should be isolated from the rest of the population and conduct my labors independently. It will be so.

I am thus becoming a one-man think tank.

Because of this, I’ll be shuttling back and forth between San Francisco-ish and New York for some time. If you hear tell of some unfortunate who needs help with numbers, or they need a lecture, speech, or article or even a book, then please send them my way.

Those who acquire such referrals will be entered on my official Friends of Humanity list, which I need hardly tell you, is quite an honor.

Naturally, since I will find most of my work through this blog, you guys are in charge. So the first thing I’d like to talk about is a raise. Or at least a Christmas bonus. Give until it hurts.

Know anybody worth talking to?

If you are an author, or know one, of a book which you think I would either love or hate, then please send me an email at matt@wmbriggs.com. It’s time to schedule an interview for upcoming podcasts!

Since I am now a feelancer, I’ll be doing some traveling until just after the new year. Interviews and broadcasts will continue again mid-January. Blog posts will continue uninterruptedly.

No Climate Change

There isn’t any discussion about CRU climategate in this podcast. I recorded it before it happened. For an excruciatingly brilliant argument about why people mistakenly believe in man-made global warming, click here.

The best all-round summary I’ve read so far of the flap is here.

Right click to download


  1. Rich

    Has your professor friend proved prescient then? Hope not.

  2. JH

    Good luck in the future.

    I wish I had the power of the Q.

  3. JJD

    Welcome to the jungle, Matt! All your feral friends greet you. This freedom is what you were made for. You will never miss that warm house with the food dish….

  4. Beyond the blue horizon
    Waits a beautiful day
    Goodbye to things that bore me
    It’s joy that waiting for me

    I see a new horizon
    My life has only begun
    Beyond the blue horizon
    Lies the rising sun

  5. Briggs


    What fun would that be, I wonder. Life without the possibility of failure would be tedious, no? Though Q is my favorite.


    Remind me to tell you about academic “freedom” someday.


    If nothing works out, I’ve been thinking doing a Grizzly Adams in your far backyard.

    Mike D.,

    Burke: “Freedom and not servitude is the cure of anarchy; as religion, and not atheism, is the true remedy for superstition.”

  6. Briggs

    As I have advised you previously by email

    I will be in touch – my own ClimateGate beckons.

    best wishes


  7. 49erDweet

    Matt, will your tale concerning “academic freedom” be fiction?

  8. Good luck with the new career as a ronin!

    You asked for suggestions for interviewees; here’s mine: Bjorn Lomborg.

    All the best,
    — Rafe

  9. 49erDweet

    Two interviewee suggestions: Thomas Sowell and David P. Goldman.


  10. Briggs

    Sowell and Lomberg are great ideas, but I can’t think they’d agree to show up to our small corner. But if anybody had their contact info, I’m not shy and I don’t mind asking.

    In fact, I just got Sowell’s classic, which I am saving for my plan trip overseas.

    Thanks, all!

  11. Regarding travel to your corner, distant interviewees may be happy to talk over Skype.

  12. Another couple of suggestions: Michael Mann; Gavin Schmidt. I’d be fascinated to hear their side of things as told to an informed (i.e., not-of-the-faith) interviewer.

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