IMS: Citation Indexes Stink

The Institute of Mathematical Statistics (I am a member) has issued a report on the wide-spread misuse of Citation Statistics. The full report may be found here. The non-surprising main…

Variant on a theme

We, dear readers, have earlier dealt with the nonsensical argument, of which an Enlightened few are excessively fond, "There is no truth." This is an argument often employed by those…

But you must hate us!

I am in Ithaca, New York, teaching a short course at Cornell University. Have you ever visited Ithaca? It was once voted the "most enlightened city in America" by the…

Please don’t let them do it

You will have by now heard that some are advocating the use of "instant replay" in baseball. The, for lack of a better word, entities pushing for this realize its…

Bill Clinton’s “Pump Head”

I have never, and will never, read Vanity Fair. Given our culture is already saturated, more mindless celebrity tittle tattle written by besotted suck-ups I do not need. So I…