Homework #1

I was reminded of this homework problem that I give my students as I was riding in on the F train this morning. It is a very good problem because…

Maybe your parents were right

They dropped the charges against that poor eighth-grade kid who was caught with a dollar bag of Skittles somewhere up in Connecticut. I'm not so sure that this is a…

Another reason to leave academia

1. Repeat after me: "There are no innate biological differences between men and women...except, well, women are of course better nurturers, sympathizers, empathizers, and a score of other things." 2.…

Harmonica Convergence: classic column

In 1987 in Sedona, Arizona, the end of the world occurred in an event called the "Second Harmonic Convergence". It was publicized all over the world. Many enlightened people came.…

You cannot measure a mean

I often say---it is even the main theme of this blog---that people are too certain. This is especially true when people report results from classical statistics, or use classical methods…