Presented: an advertisement for a stoop sale that I saw yesterday in Greenpoint on my way to the Brooklyn Brewery (passing, on the way, the lively Brooklyn Rhythm Masters). I…
I'm trying out a new theme because the old one was getting stale. Still a lot to do with this one, but it's slick, no? Opinions? Update: Sunday morning Well,…
Part I We now discuss the first two of Goldberg's main claims. Both of them are contentious, are bitterly contested, and passion inducing. Try to keep a cool head; certainly…
Fads and Fallacies in the Social Sciences by Steven Goldberg Recommendation: Buy one copy for yourself, another for mother. If Sally is over six feet tall and Bill is over…
In celebration of my having work, I present something that requires no thinking (on my part). Part II Part III PDF DANCES WITHOUT FEATHERS Part I of III Kick...two,…
Link. Watch this space for stories. (Updates to comments on other posts will be slow.) Update: Tuesday night. This story, sent in by Jim D., is a must read. Statistical…