In one Seinfeld episode, Kramer has joined the annual Manhattan AIDS walk but has refused to wear the symbolic twisted red ribbon. He is confronted by an angry group of…
Still settling in here in the land of endless (and depressing) sunshine. More on climategate coming shortly. Two months ago, the Center for Inquiry sponsored a Blasphemy Contest. The results…
Logicomix: An Epic Search for Truth by Apostolos Doxiadis and Christos H. Papadimitriou, with art by Alecos Papadatos and Annies Di Donna Bookhunter by Jason Shiga Can people learn…
Telepathic War with Aliens! And it's happening now! Aliens have already infiltrated the UN, and maybe even the White House. They are abducting people left and right and in between.…
Reader Marvin was kind enough to pass on Wednesday's Pajama's Media article What is---and what isn't---evidence of global warming to a "highly educated" person (those are not scare quotes, but…
[podcast][/podcast] On Today's Show: Only 5 minutes! A brief show today, containing one Earth-shattering announcement... Big changes ...As of December 1st, you, my faithful audience members, will be my official…
My Uncle Chuck---one of my mother's brothers---when he was a young man, married a woman named Sylvia. Got a tattoo to prove it, too. Problem was, he and she divorced,…