In the beginning Great Spirit created clean air and Gaia. And Gaia was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And Great Spirit moved…
Traditional publishing is screwy. Book makers set a cover price, say $25. They sell that book at half that to bookstores; which nets publishers $12.50. Publishers give authors about 15…
Matt Taibbi's article on Goldman Sachs, "The Great American Bubble Machine" is up and should be read (you'll have already seen it if you homepage, as you should, Arts &…
Today's post is at Pajamas Media: The Dismal Economics of Utopia. This is first is a short series. I thought it would be fun to show how the utopian ideas…
Obamacare. Thank you, sir! May I have another! $800 billion "stimulus" spending. Thank you, sir! May I have another! Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act; Wise Latinas on the bench; SCHIP…
We last reported on this in October, but since then the IRS has released the 2007 data, the latest available. It's tax day. Celebrate! It's still more than likely that…
I was asked to talk about how to handle uncertainty in forecasts. Below is a rough sketch. Many of you run or work with models that produce forecasts, guesses of…