It's Memorial Day, and it is not an abuse of the word "miracle" to suggest that it applies to the volunteering of the soldier who gives his life so that…
2019 --- This blog is charged with Contributing to the Delinquency of Citizens. Its recent post, "The Government Should Mind Its Own Business" was found, by the ministry of free…
Euclid gave us a gloriously simple proof that there are an infinite number of primes. A prime number, of course, is a positive number that can be evenly divided only…
Dear Ben, How was your trip to D.C.? Were you nervous when you testified before Congress about how ridiculous climate science in the public has become? I read that you…
It might have been coming out of the air space between her ear buds and flesh, or it might have been seeping through the holes in the woman's head. Either…
Transcript Begins Obama Read that back to me. Axelrod OK: I have fantasized–don't get me wrong–but that what if we could just be China for a day? I mean, just,…