Suppose we observe a raven. It's black. We see a second, also black. And so on for a few dozen more. We reason, or rather we argue with ourselves, "Since…
See the first post in this series for an explanation and guide of our tour of Summa Contra Gentiles. All posts are under the category SAMT. Previous post. The points… I do not understand the human race. It has so little love for creatures with a different face. Treating animals like people is no madness or disgrace. I do…
We're back to our Edge series of ideas scientists wish more people knew about. Today is John C. Mather and the Big Bang. Mather isn't pleased with popular conceptions. What…
See the first post in this series for an explanation and guide of our tour of Summa Contra Gentiles. All posts are under the category SAMT. Previous post. Pretty much…
Editor's note: The original post can be seen at Kurland's place. A few days ago my wife pointed out a news item announcing a robot that (or who?) can compose…
You already know the Ringling Brothers & Barnum and Bailey have folded up the Big Tent for the last time, a sad event. Any thoughts we have had about running…
See the first post in this series for an explanation and guide of our tour of Summa Contra Gentiles. All posts are under the category SAMT. Previous post. Chapter 69…