Loome Theological Booksellers

Have you been yet to Loome Theological Booksellers? Today's the day. I learnt of this place from Brandon Vogt's piece, Why Catholic Books Still Matter: An Interview with Christopher Hagen.…

Too Damn Sure: The Epidemiologist Fallacy

Introduction Marchmain Pharmaceuticals distributes profitizol, said to cure the screaming willies. To assess that claim, Marchmain assembled volunteers suffering this dread malady. Each provided his address, which was used to…

On The Battlements Of Culture

Chick-Fil-A should be put out of business, the owners of its franchises stripped of all assets, and all its employees thrown in the street. No amount of pain is too…

Richelieu And Bacon On Education

From France in the Age of Louis XIII and Richelieu by Victor-L. Tapié translated by D. McN. Lockie, Praeger Publishers, New York, 1975, p. 172: He regarded a multiplication in…