Unleash The Giant Puppets!

Need a job? Fancy working with your hands? How about this? Looking for 3 puppetistas to man this giant creepy Romney puppet [pictured below] during the RNC (and beyond). No…

Muppets Offer Human Sacrifice!

Finally! I offer tangible proof that listening to the Beatles can drive one to evil. Prolonged, repetitious exposure to their music causes madness leading, in rare cases, to human sacrifice!…

Polish Cheers And Pajamas

Statistics show---and as we know by now, these cannot be wrong---that Saturday is the least likely day that people like to ponder statistics. Traffic on this blog is at its…

Pet Peeves

Car ads on the radio I listen to a lot of baseball, which means I'm forced to endure a lot of ads. The worst are for cars, where each has…