AMS conference report: day 3

More on hurricanes today. Jim Elsner, with co-author Tom Jagger, both from Florida State University started off by warning against using naive statistical methods on count data, such as hurricanes.…

Is climatology a pseudoscience?

The short answer, I will disappoint many of you by saying, is no. Like I wrote before, climatologists are generally nice people genuinely struggling with understanding the immense complexities of…

Today’s excuses for not posting

CRITICAL ASSESSMENT OF CLIMATE CHANGE PREDICTIONS FROM A SCIENTIFIC PERSPECTIVE The Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, F?sicas y Naturales of Spain and the Fundaci?n Ram?n Areces are sponsoring that conference…

Another reason to leave academia

1. Repeat after me: "There are no innate biological differences between men and women...except, well, women are of course better nurturers, sympathizers, empathizers, and a score of other things." 2.…

But you must hate us!

I am in Ithaca, New York, teaching a short course at Cornell University. Have you ever visited Ithaca? It was once voted the "most enlightened city in America" by the…

Shifting Baselines Syndrome

If you doubt any claim made about man-made global warming, Jennifer Jacquet thinks you are a "miscreant" and on par with those who deny that "smoking causes cancer." She also…