This is it! I am taking an e-holiday. Except for work-related mop-up operations, no Internet, no Twitter, no email, no TV, no cell phone, no blog, no nothing. I have…
If Trump wins, his effect on the accelerating downward slide of our culture will be as a speed bump, perhaps a small series of speed bumps. If Hillary wins, she…
See the first post in this series for an explanation and guide of our tour of Summa Contra Gentiles. All posts are under the category SAMT. Previous post. Once again,…
Today's post is at the Stream: EPA Issues 57-State Climate Warning! Strike that. It's a 50-State warning. That 57 came from elsewhere in the Obama administration. Well, 50 is less…
Guy's walking along, innocent like, when, lo, he has his "nuts bit off by a Laplander". Perhaps needless to say, his young wife is distressed over the incident. What goes…
Today's post is at One Peter Five: The Culture is Wrong, and The Church is Right: Zmirak's New Book Reviewed. Scurry out and buy two copies of John "Bad Catholic"…
I saw a link to an interesting looking article entitled "Conversations With Prince Metternich" from our friend Nick B. Steves, clicked it and jumped right in. IT was in the…
Dataism is the word coined by Yuval Noah Harari in his essay for an optimistic, practical implementation of Scientism. Just as divine authority was legitimised by religious mythologies, and human…