The dilemma about wanting to gauge the depths to which Western culture has sunk, is sinking, and will sink into is that one must wade, at least on occasion, through…
Stream: A Sinful Environmental Holocaust! ...The lesson, though, has not been learned. Take the case of Charles Cardinal Bo, Archbishop of Yangon, Myanmar (a.k.a. Burma). In a voice loud enough…
From reader Neil Taylor comes the request we examine the unexpected hanging paradox. I'm stealing from Wikipedia, which stole a version from Wolfram. A judge tells a condemned prisoner that…
I came back to make some quick and impromptu (unedited!) notes and comments. What did you think of the speech? Ryan's suit is too boxy. Terrible cut Who are these…
This article jumps right in with continuous-valued probability models, which are explained in Uncertainty, as is the subject of this article in great detail. This article is only a rough…
See the first post in this series for an explanation and guide of our tour of Summa Contra Gentiles. All posts are under the category SAMT. Previous post. We're back…