Help finding paper.

Two days ago a report appeared in various places announcing the results of a new paper tying malaria to "global warming." I'd like to find the paper but I haven't…

We made Joker!

UPDATE: apologies to those who tried to comment from 1 am to 5 am EST Wednesday. My hosting service was doing maintenance and comments were locked out. All is well…

Technical problems: cache

Hi all. The links to the KIBS psychic experiment will work, once they actual stories appear on their scheduled dates. They won't work for the parts of the series that…

Here’s a good idea!

The situation is this: New Yorkers are loosing their jobs at a rate not seen since perhaps the Great Depression. The housing market is still heading downwards. People have less,…

Hire me!

Just a friendly reminder that this site is in part mercenary and that I am for hire. See my Hire me! page for full details of all the wonderful things…