When it was evening, after sunset, they brought to him all who were ill or possessed by demons. The whole town was gathered at the door. He cured many who…
Previous post. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions. That Good is the Cause of Evil 1 The foregoing arguments enable us to conclude that evil is caused…
The internet is a cauldron of competing ideas. The ones that get the most play are promoted by the legacy media. Under the surface, there are a swarm of websites…
Stream: Pedophile Says He's A 9-Year-Old Trapped In Man's Body. So He Is The Daily Wire reports on the story of 38-year-old Joseph Roman, who was "accused of sexually assaulting…
Review! Last time we created four models of CGPA. Which is correct? They all are. Why? I should ask as a homework question, but I'll remind us here. Since all…
Stream: Should We Worry Artificial Neurons Can Now Compute Faster Than The Human Brain? The report from last week's Nature magazine is that "artificial neurons" can now "compute faster than…
The article "Jaws and the Meaning of Life" has resulted in much commentary and email. Also a lot of confusion. In that article I said "If life can be reduced…