A Close Reading In a shocking twist, you'll have to click here to read the beginning! I'm in the minority as far as Biblical expertise goes, though. I don't come…
Previous post. Strange (again again) are the things men seek out. That Human Felicity Does Not Consist In Goods of the Body 1 Moreover, that man's highest good does not…
Item California university's website says its OK for children to engage in 'sexual play,' watch porn It adds that parents should intervene only "if the acts are non-consensual or hurtful."…
Hate facts are true statements about reality that our elites demand remain occult and unuttered. Elites don't yet say that members of the elite cannot know hate facts, but they…
Read Part I (first!). Munoz is right to show there was not unanimity among the Founders. Most adopted the language of rights, but some tempered this with doses of natural-law…
Hell exists. The unrepentant go there. By all accounts, and from the man's own pen, Anthony Bourdain was unrepentant. Therefore, Anthony Bourdain is in Hell. Or perhaps purgatory. Or maybe…
First, the founding principles of America were whatever they were; that is, there were principles stated and then there were principles actually adhered to (and these might be the same):…
Headline from Britain's Independent "'Atheist grandma' who 'went on the run to avoid jail' for Resurrection denial has been caught in Germany." Sub-headline: Ursula Haverbeck, 89, has a string of…