Beavering Away Will be engaged busily this week; posts may become sporadic, confused, nonsensical. More then usually, I mean. Now is the chance to send in a Guest Post (200…
Sorry for the cliché but Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn, and caldron bubble! Global warming is generating an "unholy brew" of vexatious weather events that threaten "international peace…
"Politics as done by Martians." That's Peggy Noonan's phrase, to describe President Obama's call for and use of statisticians and data miners in his re-election campaign. The hiring of such…
Thanks to all the readers who have altered me to Roy Spencer and William Braswell's new paper, "On the Misdiagnosis of Surface Temperature Feedbacks from Variations in Earth's Radiant Energy…
The president makes an appearance at La Raza---which stands for The Race: which race? the race---and announces that it would be keen if he followed Woody Allen's advice and dictated…
The argument is simple: let the government raise taxes (Obama's "balanced" approach), and the government will not only spend all of this increased revenue, but will spend more than that,…
David Stove David Stove has a posthumous essay, put out in book form: What’s Wrong With Benevolence: Happiness, Private Property, and the Limits of Enlightenment. There is a review at…
It was just two red-white-and-blue weeks ago that we learned, via some Hahvard dons, that attending Fourth of July parades was likely to make one develop Republican sympathies. This finding…