Poem Codes

Poem Codes

This post originally ran 2 September 2009. My favorite joke: Two cannibals are eating a clown and one says to the other, "qbrf guvf gnfgr shaal gb lbh?" Ha ha!…


This post originally ran 31 August 2009. Everybody knows that a prime number is one which can only be evenly divided by itself and 1. Thus, for example, 13 is…
Bloggy Details

Bloggy Details

Subscribe Been getting loads of emails---okay, a few---all right, one---on how to receive the daily posts, steaming hot, right in your Inbox. That's easy! Go to the bottom of the…
Gene Editing: What Could Go Wrong?

Gene Editing: What Could Go Wrong?

Headline: Big Tongues and Extra Vertebrae: The Unintended Consequences of Animal Gene Editing: Unintended consequences have included enlarged rabbit tongues and extra pig vertebrae, as bioethicists warn of hubris Scientists…