Rich men, trust not in wealth, Gold cannot buy you health; Physic himself must fade. All things to end are made, The plague full swift goes by; I am sick,…
Read Part I. As we consider Team 2 (Christianity) in light of the five points of interest to me, it bears noting that Christianity has a built-in advantage over Team…
So we were heading to the Sheep Meadow to have a day reading under a tree. By the time we passed Balto, we could already hear it. Thump! Thump! Thump!…
On the Second of March in the Year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred Sixty-Two, well before the sport became another venue for pencil-necked political correctness, a basketball player…
Previous post. Celestial bodies don't control our intellects or wills; though they may control our bodies. Well, the moon's gravitation, for instance, does do something to us. THAT THE CELESTIAL…
Item Fr James Martin confirms the existence and pervasiveness of the Lavender Mafia. If this tweet disappears, which if Martin has any sense it would, I have a screenshot…
The WSJ on 27 June 2019 published an essay by William Poundstone on the hoary Doomsday Argument. Many are fooled by this equation, which contains a fundamental, even glaring, flaw.…