The gentleman is Willard. "Just like the name of the rat" in the old movie, he boasted. He gave me permission to take his picture and tell his story. He…
Previous post. I swear it's okay to sometime swear. AGAINST THOSE WHO ATTACK VOWS 1 It has seemed foolish to some people to bind oneself by a vow to obey…
The truck and trailer took up a good chunk of main street. It was blasting 70s disco. Flags festooned the one-float parade fore and aft. It was a party. Pickup…
I, and many of my pals, have been named a sort of scofflaw by three people named Kathie, Hywel, and Saffron. Kathie, Hywel, and Saffron wrote the peer-reviewed article "Online…
If all we know about an American male is that he is an American male, we can use data on observed rates American males committed crimes to predict that this…
OHNOWE'REALLGOINGTODIE---AGAIN! Look at this plot, the number of daily COVID tests in the US, according to the COVID-19 tracking project. So far, since the start of the insanity, there have…
The Spanish conquerors were amazed by the giant pyramids of Teotihuacan but nobody could tell them who built them. In today's Washington Post one Brandon Hasbrouk employed by Washington-Lee university…
Previous post. Our briefest week! Say a prayer of thanks to our good saint. ANOTHER ERROR CONCERNING PERPETUAL CONTINENCE 1 Moreover, there have been some others who, though not disapproving…