The Consent Fallacy

The Consent Fallacy

Warning The links and scenarios have disturbing imagery. The consent argument is so strong in our culture that its truth is almost self-evident. It says as long as two people…
On Demonic Possession

On Demonic Possession

Then they sailed to the country of the Gadarenes, which is opposite Galilee. And when He stepped out on the land, there met Him a certain man from the city…

A Beats B Beats C Beats A Thanks to Bruce Foutch who found the video above. Transitivity is familiar with ordinary numbers. If B > A and C > B and D > C, then D…
Insanity & Doom Update XXXVI

Insanity & Doom Update XXXVI

Breaking Item #2 Ireland chooses death. Interesting the only group in favor of life were the wise, i.e. ages 65+. Letting the young vote (assuming a country insists on voting)…