Insanity & Doom Update XLI

Insanity & Doom Update XLI

Item Great writers are found with an open mind I'd been suffering under the misguided illusion that the purpose of mainstream publishers like Penguin Random House was to sell and…

Insanity & Doom Update X

Item The UK continues its slide into bat-guano crazy: "Human Rights Committee Draft General Comment No. 36 on article 6 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, on…
Insanity & Doom Update XXXV

Insanity & Doom Update XXXV

Item Exclusive: Ancient Mass Child Sacrifice May Be World's Largest More than 140 children were ritually killed in a single event in Peru more than 500 years ago. What could…
Do Some Men Have A Uterus?

Do Some Men Have A Uterus?

An apparatchik at a branch of our country's most prominent abortion factory last week tweeted "Some men have a uterus", and repeated the phrase eleven times. Now this was very…
Insanity & Doom Update XXX

Insanity & Doom Update XXX

Item Top doctor: Ban deadly blades from our kitchens ONE of Scotland's leading doctors has called for a ban on "killer" kitchen knives. Dr John Crichton, the new chairman of…

Stream: A New Kind Of Abortion

A New Kind of Abortion...For Men: [Thanks to reader David Reeve, we can introduce the so-called financial abortion.] According to Catherine Deveny, the financial abortion "(also known as a paper…