Insanity & Doom Update LXV

Insanity & Doom Update LXV

Item The Future of American Sexuality and Family: Five Key Trends

How many Americans have entered into civil same-sex marriages? It’s hard to say, since same-sex households themselves have never been simple to count. The Treasury Department, leaning on tax returns, identified about 250,000 same-sex marriages (filing jointly) in 2015, a figure that characterizes just under one-half of one percent of married tax filers in the United States…

Will same-sex marriage rates increase? As I wrote in Cheap Sex, I doubt it. Gallup data reveals a modest uptick in Americans reporting being married to someone of the same sex–six-tenths of one percentage point–between the first and second years after Obergefell. That’s not exactly the outcome you’d expect from pent-up demand…

So just how many transgender minors are there? It’s a moving target. The Williams Institute thinks it’s 0.7 percent, but a new study in the journal Pediatrics reveals a statewide survey in Minnesota estimates it at just under 3 percent…The teens’ parents tended to note that [rapid onset of gender dysphoria ] occurred in groups of friends and alongside a surge in the kids’ internet or social media use…

The share of the population that reports at least one partner of the same-sex has grown from 3.6 to 8.7 percent of women and from 4.5 to 8.2 percent of men [in the past 25 years]…

Marriage will not disappear, of course, but it may well become a minority practice.

These are from Mark Regnerus. What struck me most was the doubling of sodomy—by those who do not consider themselves homosexual. Sexual “fluidity”, as Regnerus and others call it, is on the rise. It will only increase because refusing a same-sex “partner” will be increasingly painted as “bigoted.” That plus the indoctrination in schools. And the media. And the bureaucracy.

Item Is An Asteroid Coming? NASA’s ‘Planetary Defense Coordination Office’ Budget Suddenly Spikes To $150 Million

“The Trump administration has proposed increasing the budget for NASA’s Planetary Defense Coordination Office by three-fold — from some $60 million to $150 million — amid growing concerns that humanity is utterly unprepared for the unlikely but still unthinkable: an asteroid strike of calamitous proportions.”

First of all, why spend 90 million dollars that we don’t have if there is nothing to be concerned about?

Secondly, why issue a brand new plan that is “intended to energize a host of agencies who could contribute to potential ways to prevent such as a disaster” if there is no disaster looming for the foreseeable future?

Something doesn’t smell right about all of this…

The truth is that the next time we get hit, there will probably be little to no warning, and if the asteroid is big enough millions of people could die.

My theory is that we never have far to seek for a reason of government rewarding itself with more money without the need to invoke deep theory. On the other hand, in conjunction with that doubling of sexual “fluidity” comes the idea of the Great Chastisement. If it happens, we can’t say we haven’t been warned. Repeatedly.

For instance: NASA asteroid WARNING: Giant 2,600-foot Asteroid FP118 to skim Earth TODAY (3 September 2018).

For instance: NASA Basically Missed a Huge Asteroid That Passed Unnervingly Close to Earth (17 April 2018).

Speaking of chastisement-worthy behavior, our last item.

Item Women in the U.S. Can Now Get Safe Abortions by Mail

For years, an organization called Women on Web has given women a way to perform their own medication-induced abortions at home. The organization would remotely do online consultations, fill prescriptions, and ship pills that trigger miscarriages to women who live in countries where abortion is illegal. Several studies have shown that the service is safe.

She said ship pills that trigger miscarriages. Yes, “ship pills that trigger miscarriages”. That’s what I read. “Ship pills that trigger miscarriages”. And after she said that, she said—you can see it as well as I—“Several studies have shown that the service is safe.”

Not safe for the baby. Which is killed.

…Daniel Grossman, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of California, San Francisco, told me that “it doesn’t appear that women are having serious complications” from self-inducing abortions using pills. [Except for the death of the children.] However, if women using these regimens experience heavy bleeding or some other complication—as about 3 percent of women have—they are generally advised to go to a hospital and say they had a miscarriage.

A chemically induced on purpose miscarriage.

Item PD: 2 Satan-worshiping girls planned to kill middle school classmates, drink victims’ blood (Thanks to Kent Clizbe for the tip.)

Police say two middle school girls, who worship Satan, armed themselves with knives in a foiled plot to violently kill classmates and drink their blood at school on Tuesday.

I’m not sure whether to classify this under Freedom of Religion or Sexual Orientation. Ideas?


  1. Brian (bulaoren)

    Is Satan still considered male?

  2. Ye Olde Statistician

    nah, he’s a pure spirit. no sex.

  3. swordfishtrombone

    “On the other hand, in conjunction with that doubling of sexual “fluidity” comes the idea of the Great Chastisement. If it happens, we can’t say we haven’t been warned. Repeatedly.” … “Speaking of chastisement-worthy behavior, …”

    The “chastisement” mentioned here is some loony fire-from-the-sky prophecy.

    A tiny minority of gay and transgender people behaving in a way God doesn’t like, even though it’s totally his own fault anyway because he created us, merits the murder of millions or billions of people AND ANIMALS in an asteroid strike. Let me say, if this was actually true, rather than a pathetic fantasy, I would absolutely refuse to worship such a moronic and cruel god.

    “middle school girls, who worship Satan”

    Satan is a character in the Christian universe. Again, the ‘fact’ that Satan exists is god’s fault. Satan is just one more gaping plot-hole in a woefully inept fantasy.

  4. Ye Olde Statistician

    A tiny minority of gay and transgender people behaving in a way God doesn’t like, even though it’s totally his own fault anyway because he created us,…

    A tiny minority of murderers and thieves behaving in a way God doesn’t like, even though it’s totally his own fault anyway because he created us,…. If the objection works for one; why not the other?

    Is this asteroid strike/great chastisement some new lunacy from the atheist-fundamentalist wingers? Never heard of it before. After all, given the latter, there are many more kinds of chastisement than the former.

  5. swordfishtrombone

    “A tiny minority of murderers and thieves behaving in a way God doesn’t like, even though it’s totally his own fault anyway because he created us,…. If the objection works for one; why not the other?”

    It would be just as wrong to murder billions to punish a few no matter what the crimes. Kids can see this, but God can’t.

    “Is this asteroid strike/great chastisement some new lunacy from the atheist-fundamentalist wingers? Never heard of it before.”

    I followed the link.

  6. Forbes

    >”Sexual “fluidity”, as Regnerus and others call it, is on the rise. It will only increase because refusing a same-sex “partner” will be increasingly painted as “bigoted.” That plus the indoctrination in schools. And the media. And the bureaucracy.”

    I’ve long observed that political and social conformity would eventually deem the mere acceptance or simple approval of homosexuality as insufficient to deflect charges of bigotry. Your actual participation in homosexual relations will be required to demonstrate one’s bona fides for the cause.

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