Insanity & Doom Update XLIX — Special Midweek Doom!

Insanity & Doom Update XLIX — Special Midweek Doom!

Insanity and doom items are piling up faster than I can put them out. This bonus edition will reduce the load somewhat.

Item Healthline says, using the medical term ‘vagina’ is not gender-inclusive language, uses ‘front hole’ instead.

“It’s imperative for safe sex guides to become more inclusive of LGBTQIA and nonbinary people,” the guide states.

Healthline has claimed health disparities and higher rates of HIV and STIs observed in LGBTQIA communities are due to discrimination in the sex ed world. So, the California based health information provider has adopted the gender-inclusive term “front hole” in place of the medical term, “vagina” in their latest LGBTQIA safe sex guide.

We laugh. We mock. We scoff. But they win. They will continue to win until we realize there is only one way to beat these people. And if we do not start doing it soon, all will be lost.

Item Losing Faith: Why South Carolina is abandoning its churches

South Carolina churches are shedding thousands of members a year, even as the state’s population grows by tens of thousands.

In the place we call the Bible Belt, where generations have hung their hats on their church-going nature and faithful traditions, an increasing trend of shrinking church attendance — and increasing church closings — signals a fundamental culture shift in South Carolina.

At least 97 Protestant churches across South Carolina have closed since 2011, according to data from the Lutheran, Presbyterian, United Methodist and Southern Baptist denominations. An untold number of other closings, certainly, are not captured by these statistics.

Many churches are dying slow deaths, stuck in stagnation if not decline. And if they don’t do something, anything, in their near future, they’ll share the fate of Cedar Creek United Methodist, a 274-year-old Richland County congregation that dissolved last year; Resurrection Lutheran, a church near downtown Columbia that will hold its last service on Sept. 2 and the dozens of churches that sit shuttered and empty around the state.

Now this is a think piece, lots of words, many anecdotes, rich in description of the human tapestry blah blah blah. They never come to the reason why churches are emptying. Yet the answer was plain in what wasn’t there. Not even once did they mention Jesus.

Who needs to go to church where your religion is the world, which is everywhere around you?

Item No straw man here: The mask slips in Santa Barbara

A little noticed detail in Santa Barbara’s recent drive to criminalize plastic straws, which culminated in the Santa Barbara city council taking testimony from a nine-year-old about the planetary menace, has come to light in recent days. During that council session, councilman Jesse Dominguez said the following in response to citizens who asked “what’s next?”:

“Unfortunately, common sense is just not common. We have to regulate every aspect of people’s lives.”

And they’re doing a darn fine job of it, too. It turns out California has set its effeminate eyes on balloons. I can’t see why my idea of letting California withdraw from the Union, us declaring war against it and bombing it into submission has not gained traction.

Item German couple jailed for selling son to paedophiles on dark net

A woman who sold her son to paedophiles on the dark net has been jailed for 12 years and six months by a court in southern Germany.

The Freiburg court also jailed her partner, the boy’s stepfather, for 12 years. The boy was nine when the trial began in June.

The German nationals, 48 and 39 years old, had sexually abused the boy themselves for at least two years.

The dark net is an internet area beyond the reach of mainstream search engines.

On Monday, the court jailed a Spanish man for 10 years for sexually abusing the boy repeatedly.

Five other men have also been prosecuted in connection with the abuse…

Prosecutors say the boy was subjected to more than 60 serious sex attacks, many of which were filmed.

It’s not only that this German couple are proof of the necessity of the death penalty, but that they found so many takers. The rate of demonic sexual behavior must be much greater than is naively realized. And, no, not just in the Church.

Item Canada To Chronically Ill Man: How About A Little Euthanasia Instead Of Home Care?

What happens when government-run health care and a cultural embrace of euthanasia meet? Just ask Roger Foley, a Canadian man with a debilitating chronic neurological disease. After being hospitalized with cerebellar ataxia for a lengthy period, Foley wanted to arrange for home care so he could live in his own place — care that should be covered under Canada’s government-run system. Instead, in at least two conversations recorded by Foley, officials pressed him to choose assisted suicide, as CTV reported last week:…

“You can just apply to get assisted, if you wanted to end your life, you know what I mean?” the medical worker says. “You don’t have to do it in some dramatic manner, you can just apply.”

“Well, they already presented the outcome option to me, but it’s like, Why force me to end my life?” says Foley.

You may think the answer is to save money, Foley. Money is more important. So much so that death panels, as famously predicted, will soon be set up. To save money.

But money is not the prime answer, though it’s surely a supportive one. The prime answer is that the culture doesn’t like “useless” people anymore and wants to rid itself of them. This trend will accelerate. Renew!

Item FDA Acquiring ‘Fresh’ Aborted Baby Parts to Make Mice With Human Immune Systems

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration signed a new contract on July 25 to acquire “fresh” human fetal tissue to transplant into “humanized mice” so that these mice will have a functioning “human immune system,” according to information published by the FDA and the General Services Administration.

What could go wrong?


  1. Yay! Extra doom! And at no additional cost.

    Denial of reality is the single most important tool of the Left.

  2. Sheri

    I just knew you’d get that “new language” one!! What a bunch of fools Americans are.

  3. Larry Geiger

    RE: Resurrection Lutheran in Columbia. When talking about Lutherans always check and see which kind. Resurrection was an ELCA church. Basically a Unity church. There was no Christ there. No sin. No resurrection. No Christianity. That’s the way the ELCA rolls.

    Also, it’s easy to talk about 97 little churches closing but did most of those folks leave their old, dying ELCA, PCUSA, etc churches and go to one of the newer, bible believing churches? That’s not mentioned. In our area there is a definite move away from the ELCA and PCUSA to Calvary Chapel. Not sure about the Baptists.

    What was the total membership of those 97 churches when they closed? Probably not as many in total as Seacoast Church. Typical media analysis. Pick one number and then push a narrative. Kind of like the wage gap.

    Was googling large churches in Columbia, SC and on the first page were two Missouri Synod Churches and several Catholic churches. Hmmmmmmmmmmm…

  4. DAV

    I was born into a family of famous gay pagan authors … I remember my father … raped me. … If you want to know about his shenanigans with little girls …

    o) If her parents were “gay” where did she come from? Was she adopted? Born in vitro?

    o) If her father was “gay” why the “shenanigans” with little girls?

    There is something a bit off in this account. Doesn’t “gay” mean “homosexual”? Were her parents part-time homosexuals?

  5. Ye Olde Statistician

    DAV: nothing impedes a gay man from listing where he will. That’s why the continual addition of letters to the LGBTQADIY acronym. A homosexual friend of mine firmly denied being gay, which he claimed was a lifestyle. The essence of gay was to defy all conventions.

  6. Ken

    So much rich fodder –

    “…the California based health information provider has adopted the gender-inclusive term “front hole” in place of the medical term, “va…”

    THERE’s a class-action lawsuit in the making! Neurotic California beach goers are rumored to already be “up in arms” over the co-opting of this particular jargon. “front hole” is now competing with “innie” bellybuttons and the ninnies with innies aren’t happy about that. Not happy at all. The outcasts with the “outy’s” look on in gleeful Schadenfreude.

    Churches closing — is that really so bad?
    Again, gotta harp on the recurring theme almost nobody wants to address (but which, once upon a time, was cause for bonfires): There’s loads of heresy out there with so many so-called “Christians” rallying together under the banner headline but in reality honing to sometimes extremely incompatible doctrines. Newcomers see the ‘diversity’ in doctrines and rejecting some/most, correctly, is easily extended to rejecting them all. Anyone interested in ‘cleaning up’ society (or, simply stopping the declines) shouldn’t be looking at society but instead should be looking at cleaning up the heretics. Or at least stop claiming that they are “fellow Christians.” The faithful need to “get the mote out of their eyes” before poking at broader society. Of course, this means that many/most will have to abandon their particular faith for another — and with religion that’s next to impossible. Thus, religion — with the nearly universal accommodation of religious diversity of doctrine among the religious … as long as it fits under the banner of “Christianity” — is sowing its own seeds of destruction for all “Christian” faiths. When all the various doctrines cannot possibly be right, its a small step to concluding that they might all be, or are, wrong.

    The “Dark Web” and pedophiles. They’re getting caught, prosecuted, and jailed. This is all good. Things used to be a LOT worse, for example: Peruse some of the other articles on similar themes there and branch out elsewhere. Make what you will of the psychobabble, but the objective findings, that the abuses described occurred and are well documented, IS well-documented. Even as modern social acceptance of other behaviors (e.g. gay marriage) expands (and most of these accommodations do not increase such activity so much as bring it into the open), there is a ‘silver lining’ of sorts to be had…society in regard to how children are raised — with less abuse, mental & physical — is manifesting a trend in a positive direction.

    Death Panels/Socialized Canadian health care: Everyone should read the actual Canadian Supreme Court case, Chaoulli v Quebec. To non-liberals some of the actual statements presented in the official court documents (enough is readily available online) seem literally unbelievable. Because Quebec couldn’t provide adequate health care, people were dying, literally. The Canadian S.Court decided that Province had to allow the citizens to buy commercial health insurance. There’s the exception revealing so much — READ the actual case and arguments — most Americans will find the views unnerving — these include notions argued by the losing side in that case such as that the preservation of the government system, flawed it may be, should be the priority over individual freedoms; that the individual should not be allowed private health insurance because it undermines the Govt’s control. Canada is somewhat extreme for otherwise modern and free societies in mandating (except for Quebec) 100 percent govt health care; most countries with socialized medicine do not outlaw freedom of choice if the citizen is willing to finance it on their own.

  7. ARB

    I look up Resurrection Lutheran’s ELCA affiliation, scroll to the comments, and find Larry Geiger’s beat me to it. Well done, sir–well done.

    We Lutherans really need to get a better descriptor sometimes. It’d be best if we could get the ELCA to abandon Luther as a role model and call themselves Melanchtonites or somesuch, but that seems unlikely. Unless that happens, some major emphasis ought to be placed on the “confessional” in confessional Lutheran.

  8. JohnK

    May I post this in today’s “Insanity and Doom,” because I can’t believe it’s happening?
    This news release is dated today (August 23).
    Perfect timing, yes?
    Notice the sleight of hand. They want you to associate perfume USE with men. Because holy people. And fragrance.
    “…dozens of women and men saints….”
    They even drag Padre Pio in.
    Vatican Pharmacy Launches Its First Collection of Perfumes

    The new perfumes aim to rediscover the role of fragrances in Christian life. The researchers discovered ancient perfumes mentioned in the Holy Scriptures (the Magi offered incense and myrrh to Jesus) and they go back to their plants of origin, in the Mediterranean tradition and that of the Holy Land: aloes, nard, galbanum, myrtle, saffron, roses, hyssop, sandalwood, aromatic reeds, cinnamon, geranium, bergamot.

    It’s about “entrusting to perfume a message that refers to the meeting between the sacred and nature, between divinity and humanity, in order to transmit sensations that also invite to reflection”: “incense, with its typical smell, refers to the presence of God, to purification to the sense of sacrifice.” Myrrh was used “as aroma and to preserve the mortal remains of the dead.” Both were also used as healing remedies. Gold is also “an effective method to combat certain pathologies, to the point that one speaks of gold therapy.”

    There is “a long tradition that links the mystics to perfumes,” underscores L’Osservatore Romano: “Beginning with the Virgin Mary, also called by the title “Mystical Rose,” to which the perfume of the same name makes reference. Suffice it to recall the ecstasies of dozens of women and men Saints, of whom the closest to us is Padre Pio of Pietrelcina. The intense perfume that one perceived on certain occasions, according to the witnesses, was a mixture of emanations of flowers such as roses, violets and jasmine, to the point that one speaks of osmogenesie as the charism proper to his holiness.”

  9. And in the “mote” category of “Christianity”, along with the “it ain’t the religion, it’s the culture,” as well as the “UK doomed itself by colonialism,” here’s an Insane story that portends Doom:

    “Drowned in the bath, slashed with knives and chillies in eyes: the torment of the children being accused of witchcraft in the UK

    “Beliefs in demonic possession are still prevalent in many African countries, meaning thousands of kids who come over to the UK from them are at risk of abuse and cruel torture in the name of religion – and experts say these cases remain hidden from the police and social services

    “He’d been sent to live with his aunt and uncle from the Democratic Republic of Congo after his mother passed away – but at this new home in Islington his relatives were accusing him of being a witch and seriously abusing him.

    “Mardoche, now 26, was subjected to two years of exorcisms where pastors tried to coax the demons out of him through repetitive prayer, he tells Sun Online.

    “He was starved to the point where he would search for dropped coins on the street to secretly buy food, sleep-deprived and threatened by his aunt and uncle.

    “They even pulled a knife on him and said they’d kill him if he didn’t stop being a witch.

    “His relatives burned his precious possessions, including football medals and certificates, saying that he was using these to be able to gain enough power to fly.

    “But Mardoche is not alone in suffering this type of abuse in the UK.

    “The witchcraft – or kindoki as it is known there – will be shouted out to come out of the child in the name of Jesus, and the pastor might shake them too.”

    “These types of exorcisms is similar to what Mardoche experienced in churches and at home.

    “I was pulled out of school and made to fast and kept up for days without sleep,” he tells Sun Online.

    “I was accused of flying in the night, killing my mother, putting curses on my family and even eating babies for dinner.

    “I was so frightened I’d be too scared to leave my bedroom to go to the toilet. I’d wee in a bowl and pour it on the carpet but this made things worse as children who wet themselves are often accused of being possessed.”

    “Earlier this year, the Department of Education released figures showing there were over 1,400 child abuse cases across the UK that were linked to witchcraft and demonic possession beliefs between 2016 and 2017 – a 900% rise since 2011.”

    Remember, the neocons told you: Islam is bad, bad, bad, bad….?

    Don’t even get me going on what African Christians do with albinos…Bing it, if you don’t know. It ain’t the religion–it’s the culture.

  10. Uncle Mike

    So, the “doctor administers a drug which stop the contractions when the baby is halfway out, and a hole is punched in the baby’s skull so her brains can be sucked out (but not with a plastic straw). Then the dead baby is extracted the rest of the way, thrown on a slab, and gutted wide open. Then her organs and other “tissues” are sliced out, bagged, and sold for “research experiments” while the rest of her carcass is dumped into the bio-waste disposal system. Sold by Planned Parenthood to Advanced Bioscience Resources, another “non-profit”, both of which contract with your government for “charitable donations” to “fund” their executives and employees.

    No sin in any of that, unless it’s done for a “profit”, which violates the Marxist credo: all hail Lenin, Pot, Obama, and Mousey Dung!

    Is the Far Left really “left”, or are they channeling Mengele? Or Charlie Manson? Or Satan himself (herself?)? How sick is our culture?

    Doom is right. The End hastens. Repent while you still can.

    BTW Dr. Briggs, have you read the alleged Pope’s letter re child rape by the priesthood? Any thoughts?

  11. Oldavid

    Perversity is endemic in the rich and powerful. “It is easier for a camel to get through the needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter Heaven”.

    The privilege afforded by worldly wealth and status is most often contrary, or inimical, to wisdom and virtue.

  12. Uncle Mike

    I see, Old David. The sin of baby brain sucking is caused by excessive wealth, hence poverty is the cure. Let’s all get poor to save the babies!

    Added bonus: if you huddle penniless in the cold and dark in your mud hut, the entire planet will be rescued from warmth, too.

  13. Mark

    “We laugh. We mock. We scoff. But they win. They will continue to win until we realize there is only one way to beat these people.”

    How do we beat them?

  14. Ken

    @ Kent Clizbe: “It ain’t the religion–it’s the culture.”

    Superstitions leading to child abuse out of superstitious belief that the child is a witch.

    Africans persecuting/abusing albinos out of other superstitions (e.g., for magical good luck or to prevent bad luck).

    All such superstitions, to persist and thrive, require the preservation of the believer’s ignorance.

    ALL of the examples given are now curable with education — the source of which was [and continues to be] science.

    To modern educated people in Western society, such primitive superstitions as persecuting children as witches and albino’s for good or bad luck [depending] seems absurdly ludicrous — after all, we see how utterly baseless the superstitions are. That illustrates the truth of Hitchens’ remark, “…what can be asserted without evidence can also be dismissed without evidence.”

    And one then wonders, after being confronted without evidence, why do people hold onto such baseless superstitions (especially in a modern society as those primitives moved to places like the UK are observed)? The answer, of course, is religion. Not culture.

    Facts displace contrived placeholders — superstitions — and with that the associated religion necessarily must go. Culture, when confronted with facts readily adapts (e.g., hated enemies routinely become close allies & vice versa). However, when facts displace room for witches and demonic affiliation, so much go belief that demons underlie the things feared. Bit by bit , facts force religious doctrine to recede — and for the primitive populations and their superstitions Clizbe referenced, facts — science — already has destroyed any room for such beliefs to survive…unless the believer hangs onto their ignorance. And religion is notorious for preserving baseless belief in spite of tangible evidence to the contrary — for preserving ignorance needed for superstition to survive.

  15. Uncle Mike

    According to the False Pope prayer and fasting should do the trick. Oh and also the condemnation of clericalism, whatever he means by that.

    Somehow I think that may not be enough. I favor public hanging of the guilty murderers and perverts and public whipping of their idiot Mansonite supporters, but then I’m an old school kind of guy.

  16. Uncle Mike

    First Old Avid recommends abject poverty for the masses, citing Karl Marx’s favorite Biblical passage, and then Ken recommends atheism (Marx again: opium is the religion of the Collective, etc.) as cures for sick twitch baby brain sucking and other post-modern perversities and abominations.

    Frayed knot oh ye “progressives”. Marxism is the problem, not the solution. Get with Jesus. He’s the answer.

  17. Sorry, Ken, but the examples proving my assertion are many and wide-spread.

    African, North African, and Middle Eastern cultures have populations of various faiths–Christian, Jewish, Muslim, and others. We’ll call them Culture Group A.

    We also have examples of populations of European, and Anglo-Saxon, cultures of various faiths–Christian, Jewish, Muslim and others. We’ll call them Culture Group B.

    Culture Group A, regardless of which religious faith they espouse, displays cultural practices that are considered barbaric today (slaughtering albinos to eat them, starving children to exorcise the devil, and many, many others), more than Culture Group B.

    The exception proves the rule.

    South Sudan is nearly perfect evidence for this cultural fact.

    For decades, Israel and American neocons and evangelicals blamed “Islam” for the Sudanese government’s (majority Muslim) barbarity in dealing with the (Christian) rebels in its Southern regions. They ratcheted up the anti-Muslim rhetoric to a fever pitch–fund-raising and scaring Americans to death. Finally, Bush, the neocons, and Israel succeeded in forcing Sudan to relinquish its Southern region.

    Working with the repugnant UN, Bush, Israel and American evangelicals hailed “the world’s newest nation,” South Sudan! Hallelujah! they praised! Finally, we’ve vanquished the evil Muslims. Now peace, love, brotherhood and joy will reign in our trophy Christian country!

    Oops! Forgot about the pesky South Sudanese. Less than a year later, the genocide began. Christians all, the South Sudanese began slaughtering one another. They’ve been at it for nearly a decade now.

    No different from the Muslim Sudanese. Blood-thirsty barbarians. Same culture.

    It ain’t the religion, it’s the culture.

  18. Ye Olde Statistician

    Education does not go back to science, but to reason. The earliest organized education (the medieval universities) focused on logic and reason, mathematics, and the like.

    St. Patrick’s Synod in the 5th century anathematized anyone who believed that there really were witches with magical powers. Charlemagne issued a Capitulary for Saxony that declared it criminal for anyone acting on a heathen belief in magic to burn or devour the flesh of accused sorcerers. (This suggests that pagan Germans did not treat sorcerers very nicely.) The Canon episcopi about the same time declares that women who believe they fly through the air in Diana’s train are simply deluded and orders expelled from the congregation anyone who insists on the reality of it.

    When Archbishop Abogard of Lyons (9th cent) learned that rustics in his diocese believed that witches destroyed their crops with hailstones and colluded with men from Mangonia (who sailed ships through the sky to steal crops). He felt obliged to tell his flock that men could not control the weather, sail ships through the sky, or wield any magical powers. Also there was no such place as Mangonia. He had to personally intervene to save four “captured Mangonians”.

    Ecclesiastical discipline (ascr. to Regino von Prüm) advises clergy to warn their congregants against credulous belief in covens of witches flying through the night sky and worshiping Diana. Bishop Burchard of Worms (late 10th cent.) prescribed penance for those who believed in the powers of witches. Pope Gregory VII forbade the Danish courts to execute people accused of witchcraft.

    Vincent of Beauvais, to disabuse a woman convinced she was a witch who could pass through keyholes, locked the door and chased her about the room with a stick, while exhorting her to escape through the keyhole. (Now THAT is the scientific spirit, right there!)

    OTOH, Jean Bodin (De la démonomanie des sorciers) wrote that witches should be burned at the stake and nations that did not seek out witches and exterminate them would suffer famine, plague, and war, and that torture should be used on the mere suspicion of sorcery. No one so much as accused of witchcraft should be acquitted unless the accuser’s bad faith could be convincingly demonstrated. But Bodin was also the first great proponent of the absolute power of the secular state.

    England made sorcery a capital crime only in 1542 – after the State had nationalized the Church of England. In the same year, in the Concordat of Liège, the Emperor (Charles V) placed sorcery prosecutions entirely in the hands of secular tribunals.

    The Great Witch Hunts began.

    Thomas Hobbes, in the next generation, thought all religion was mendacious and did not himself believe in witches — but he thought witches should be punished anyhow “for the good of society.”

    Francis Bacon based his program to gear science not only to knowledge of the natural world but to conquer the material world on the hermetic books’ emphasis on humanity’s godlike prerogatives over “the lower orders of material creation” and on alchemy’s focus on “wracking elemental nature to force it to yield up its secrets.”

    Early members of the Royal Society, like Robert Boyle, were firmly convinced of the reality of witches and the need for their elimination; and one, Joseph Glanvill, thought that sorcery was scientifically demonstrable.

  19. Joy

    Ken is right.
    Good information is the key.
    I didn’t read past the silly talk of the first paragraph. It wasn’t necessary. The comments said enough, as they so often do.

    As for camels and needles? See the correct translation.
    See Michael 2’s old remark about the old metaphor at the end of the post about the main objection to the catholic faith, if I recall it correctly.

    If you want to be accurate, you have to be honest.

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