Another State Might Ban Conversion Therapy, Forcing Some To Live With Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction

Another State Might Ban Conversion Therapy, Forcing Some To Live With Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction

Stream: Another State Might Ban Conversion Therapy, Forcing Some To Live With Unwanted Same-Sex Attraction

The Washington Times reports “Legislation banning gay conversion therapy for minors has narrowly passed the New Hampshire House of Representatives a month after failing by a single vote.”

The bill would prohibit “anyone from providing counseling services to children under 18 ‘relative to conversion therapy seeking to change a person’s sexual orientation.'”


Repairing Conversions

And indeed the late Dr. Joseph Nicolosi boasted great success with what he called reparative therapy for those with unwanted same-sex attraction. To repair is of course indicative of what occurs in such therapy. There is no conversion and no coercion.

His client stories are proof positive that reparative therapy works for at least some men.

One seventeen year-old who “came out” to his parents wrote that when he was four he “was molested by my neighbor and then the same year I was molested by my cousin.” He identifies these molestations as being partly responsible for his becoming “gay.”

But “after therapy and just everything that I’ve learned and gone through, now I can look at a guy and think ‘Oh, he’s handsome’ but I don’t find that sexual attraction…The therapy changed my whole mentality for the better…I just decided that I don’t want to be gay for the rest of my life. ”

This young man’s story is interesting because it is relevant to proposed “conversion” therapy bans.

There is now this law in California regarding minors that is about to start, that would have made it illegal for me, as someone under 18, to get help. I think it’s ridiculous. It’s just like saying Alcohol Anonymous should be cancelled, all the rehabilitation programs in the United States should be stopped. In this new law, they say that getting help to understand the SSA feelings I had, which started through bad experiences in my childhood, does harm to me. But through therapy, I was healed from those memories and the harm they caused.

New Hampshire like California may mandate that young men like this should continue to suffer that harm.

While it’s still legal, click here to read the rest.


  1. Kevin

    The bill would prohibit “anyone from providing counseling services to children under 18 ‘relative to conversion therapy seeking to change a person’s sexual orientation.'”

    So that should mean no more preschool Adam and Steve stories… the conversion isn’t happening in the therapists’ offices… it’s happening at the hands of activist educators and dim witted parents. A child isn’t born gay or straight… at least there is no science that supports such a claim… so such a bill should apply to all material that educates and directs development of sexual identity… not just that used later in childhood. “change” implies change from something…

  2. Some are born gay. Some are made gay. Some choose to succumb to peer pressure. The bill prevents personal, private health therapy. If abortion is private, then therapy must be equally private.

  3. John B()

    It is the end of life. Eternity stops. Go out into the tunnel. To the chamber of the ages. Cry for the children. Walk carefully in the vault of tomorrow. Sorrow for the murdered children. … Sadness. Sadness for the end of things.

  4. John B()


    Devil in the Dark … the Horta

    Spock’s voice is marvelous when he does it

  5. @JohnB();@Lee Phillips.

    Except that that episode has a happy ending.

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