Trump’s Speech: Highlights, Notes & Comments

I came back to make some quick and impromptu (unedited!) notes and comments. What did you think of the speech?

Ryan’s suit is too boxy. Terrible cut

Who are these sepulchral gloomy women clad in white? This?

Trump + teleprompter is not a natural fit.

“…condemning hate and evil in all of its ugly forms…torch is in our hands and we’ll use to light up the world.” Some purple urple prose there, friends.

“A new chapter in American greatness is beginning…renewal of the American spirit. Our allies will find that America is once again ready to lead.” But are we ready to pay?

We’re at our 250th year? I remember celebrating the bicentennial. I pulled my sister dressed as Lady Liberty in a box on wheels painted with the American flag in a parade in Gaylord, MI. Boy am I old.

“America must be put its own citizens first, because only then can we [MAGA].” Many hands never left their laps for that one.

“Our drug epidemic will slow down, and ultimately stop.” Rotsa ruck with that one.

“Since my election, Ford,…,Intel, Walmart, and many others have announced they will invest billions and billions in the United states and will create [many] American jobs.” Quick shot to Nancy Pelosi, who looked like she had eaten bad fish.

“We have begun to drain the swamp…ban on executive officials lobbying and a lifetime ban [applause] and a lifetime ban on becoming a lobbyist for a foreign government.” Sounds good, but doctrine of unexpected consequences?

“For every one new regulation, two old regulations must be eliminated.” Amen. Including those that limit coal miners. And the Keystone and other pipelines. Which will be made “with American steel.”

“Job-killing [TPP]..and formed council for” women. Why not men? And horses?

“Expand treatment for” druggies. That’ll cost.

“Immigrant enforcement and border security…raise wages, help the unemployed…make communities safer for everyone…lawless chaos…restore rule of law at our borders.” Rule of law? That doesn’t sound very Living Constitution.

“We will soon build a Great Wall along our southern border.” SOmebody look to see if Chinese restaurant by that name already in Brownsville.

“Protect our National from *radical.*Islamic.*terrorism.*” Only half the House stood. Golly.

“We have seen the Attacks in France, in Belgium, in Germany….It is reckless” to not have “proper vetting.”

“We cannot allow a beachhead of terrorism. We cannot allow our country to become a sanctuary for extremists.”

“ISIS…a network of lawless savages.” Just so. *Savages* is the precise word.

“Our unbreakable alliance with the State of Israel.”

“I have kept my promise to nominate a justice our Supreme Court who will defend our Constitution.” Guess who sat and didn’t applaud?

“We must honestly acknowledge the circumstances we inherited.” Joblessness, poverty, foodstamps. “We have the worst financial recovery in 65 years…[Obama] put on more debt than all the other presidents combined.” He did, too. And you, dear reader, will be paying that debt.

“American companies are taxed at one of the highest in the world”. But Government loves those funds.

“Many other companies make us pay high taxes and tariffs.” Mention of Harley Davidson got one of the white sepulchral women to applaud. One country taxes Harleys at “100%”. Threatening tariffs could induce these countries to reduce theirs. “It’s been a long time since we had fair trade.”

“Reforming our system of legal immigration…current system depresses wages…merit-based immigration system” like in Canada. “Costs American taxpayers many billions dollars a year…adopting a merit-based system, we will have so many benefits…[immigrants] enter middle class.” Merit!? How can you have Equality with Merit? Answer: you cannot. Penury for all!

“Eisenhower initiated last great infrastructure…The time has come” to spend more money. On what, he didn’t say. How much, he didn’t say.

“Six trillion dollars [spent] in the Middle East.” And what’s the return on investment on those funds, bunky? Time to shake folks loose from the teat.

“Buy American and Hire American.” Many elected officials did not applaud. Who are these silent folks representing? Earnest question, folks.

“Repeal and replace Obamacare.” On that, I have something soon. Trump makes the mistake almost everybody does, and confused *health insurance* with *health care*.

“Remember when you were told you could keep your doctor and keep your plan. Those promises were broken.” They were never meant to be kept. They were lies. Yes. Capital L-ies. As in Lies.

“Save Americans from the imploding Obamacare disaster.” With a gesture to Nancy “I love killing babies in the womb” Pelosi! HA HA HA HA! She wasn’t pleased.

“Purchase health insurance *across state lines*.” No Democrat applauded. Why not? Seriously. Why not? No, I mean it. Why not? You on the left who read this blog, please answer why this is a bad idea.

“Paid family leave”? Who’s paying for that? Geez. “To invest in women’s health”? Who’s paying for that? And what happened to men? What makes women so in need of special attention? Aren’t we Equal?

“Today is Rare Disease Day…” Ah. He missed his chance at another gesture to Pelosi. Wait. Rare Disease Day? How does one celebrate that?

“Choose…religious home school that is right for them?” You mean parents are still allowed to be parents of their own children? How medieval.

“Chicago…not acceptable in our society.” But we do and will accept it.

“Support victims of crime” with new office from Department of Homeland Security. I can’t help thinking of “Bablylon 5” whenever I hear of the DHS. Geek reference.

I dislike strongly trotting out those who suffer. Distasteful spectacle. It’s become so usual that inflation has already set in.

“Budget…eliminates the defense sequester. And calls for one of the largest increase in national defense spending in history.” Oh, good. Here I was worried we no longer would be dedicated to Empire. Though Trump later says our friends have to pay “their fair share.”

“My job is not to represent the world. My job is to represent the United States of America.” Again, Democrats do not applaud. Did they think the Presidency is a World Office? New World Order? Novus Ordo Mundo? What does that Eye see?

“American footprints on distant worlds is not too much to dream” and more purplishness.

One person (woman) is wearing lime green, which stings the eye.

“We are all made by the same God.” Most Democrats again do not stand or applaud. Well, maybe those who are silent have a different god. Freedom of choice, yes?

“…believe once more in America. Thank you, God bless you, and God bless the United States.” Amen, brother. Amen.


  1. Michael Dowd

    Excellent William!!

    It’s as if the sullen Democrats were being asked to do something to help the country and refused. Very ugly.

  2. DAV

    What was interesting were the guests if the Democrats. They didn’t bring jobless and poor whites or friends or favorite constituents. Instead they focused on illegal immigrants and citizens of countries targeted by the recent travel ban. IOW, not voters but non-voters! This is really their focus!?

    On the brighter side, CNN, whose numbers have been tanking (even below MSNBC), had good things to say about the speech. Their first positive response to Trump since the inauguration. Maybe market forces do work.

  3. Gary

    I prefer bad guys more nuanced than Democrats so I opted for watching X-Files reruns instead.

  4. DAV

    Can’t say it better than this …

    Lefties focusing on the really important issues.
    Don’t snowflakes know their burning commentary hurts them the most?
    No wonder they lost.

  5. Sylvain

    “A new chapter in American greatness is beginning…renewal of the American spirit. Our allies will find that America is once again ready to lead.”

    The problem is that not many countries are ready to follow the white supremacist america or Trump.

    Many countries followed Obama’s lead, what is seen is resistance to Trump, for very good reason.

    ”“My job is not to represent the world. My job is to represent the United States of America.” Again, Democrats do not applaud. Did they think the Presidency is a World Office? New World Order? Novus Ordo Mundo? What does that Eye see?”

    Trump’s America doesn’t include anyone on this blog. Trump’s America is millionnaire American. The middle class will suffer a lot in the next four years.

  6. Ryan

    State governments charge a lot of money to approve health insurance plans. If a company can sell across state lines that’s like 49 governments that don’t get their cut.

  7. Sylvain Allard

    ““America must be put its own citizens first, because only then can we [MAGA].” Many hands never left their laps for that one.”

    Maybe it is because his action doesn’t match his words.

  8. Sander van der Wal


    You are clearly not from Europe. Local politics dictate which part of American politics one supports.

  9. DAV

    Sometimes a toothpick just isn’t enough.

  10. Shecky R

    Trumpy, as demonstrated over the last 40 years, is a sociopathic (also atheistic/hedonistic) empty vessel into which Bannon/Miller/Gorka/Manafort/Putin pour their wares, but I suppose those who worship money and materialism are just blind to it.
    Gullible, gullible.

  11. Joy

    Sylvain shame on you for that remark.
    What a stupid thing to have posted.

  12. Sylvain Allard


    Referring to what

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